1. Politik Pendidikan AS
Pada umumnya kebijakan pendidikan yang diambil di suatu negara cenderung dijadikan alat intervensi negara kepada warga negaranya. Bentuk intervensi itu bisa berupa justifikasi (abash atau diakui/tidaknya) ilmu pengetahuan tertentu, pengaturan kelembagaan sekolah, lama pendidikan dan gelar, serta kualifikasi pendidikan yang dikaitkan dengan posisi pekerjaan (jabqatan). Di antara jenjang pendidikan sekolah (mulai dari tingkat Dasar hingga Perguruan Tinggi) yang ada, umumnya negara lebih memilih mengkonsentrasikan kekuasaannya untuk mengintervensi pendidikan sekolah yang diperuntukkan bagi anak-anak, remaja dan kaum muda. Hampir tidak ada negara yang menaruh perhatian cukup besar padapendidikan untuk orang-orang dewasa. Pertanyaannya adalah; Mengapa negara lebih memilih memusatkan perhatiannya kepada pendidikan anak-anak (muda) dibandingkan denganpendidikan orang dewasa?. Heidenheimer (1990: 23) memberikan ilustrasi jawaban sebagai berikut: Bahwa sebagian negara memilih lebih mengkonsentrasikan intervensinya pada pendidikan untuk anak-anak dan remaja adalah disebabkan alasan karena negara memiliki tanggung jawab untuk menciptakan kader-kader bangsa. Memiliki alasan bahwa sekolah cukup menarik untuk dikuasai, dimana di dalamnya terdapat generasi yang sangat mudah untuk dipengaruhi. Ada juga sebagian negara beralasan karena hak suara untuk pemilihan politik di masa yang akan datang perlu proses sosialisasi, dan itu cocok dilakukan untuk anak-anak melalui sekolah-sekolahnya. Sementara itu pendidikan merupakan kebutuhan dasar yang harus dipenuhi. Karena itu para orang tua berbondong-bondong memasukkan anaknya di berbagai lembaga pendidikan, terutama lembaga pendidikan formal yang diselenggarakan atau diakreditasi oleh negara. Campur tangan dan intervensi negara pada pendidikan sekolah formal tampaknya sering diabaikan oleh para orang tua. Karena itu perlu adanya mekanisme pengawasan yang dilakukan oleh orang-orang dewasa (masyarakat) setempat terhadap penyelengaraan pendidikan sekolah-sekolah formal agar intervensi (kebijakan) negara dalam sector pendidikan bermakna positif bagi generasi berikutnya yang lebih handal, sekaligus untuk mengurangi terjadinya peluang penyimpangan yang mungkin dilakukan negara dalam kegiatan intervensinya itu. Di negara-negara demokrasi, kesadaran untuk mengawasi dan membatasi intervensi pemerintah pada sector pendidikan itu ditandaidengan dipilihnya asas desentralisasi dalam pengambilan kebijakan (pengaturan) sector pendidikan. Amerika Serikat adalah salah satu negara pelopor demokrasi. Sudah sejak lama kebijakan pendidikan di Amerika Serikat menjadi tanggung jawab Pemerintah Negara Bagian (State) dan Pemerintah Daerah (Distrik). Sebelumnya, Pemerintah Pusat memang mengintervensi kebijakan pendidikan, sebagaimana yang terjadi sejak tahun 1872, dimana Pemerintah Pusat AS mengintervensi kebijakan pendidikan dengan cara memberikan tanah negara kepada Negara Bagian untuk pembangunan fakultas-fakultas pertanian dan teknik; membantu sekolah-sekolah dengan program makan siang, menyediakan pendidikan bagi orang-orang Indian; menyediakan dana pendidikan bagi para veteran yang kembali ke kampus untuk menempuh pendidikan lanjutan; menyediakan pinjaman bagi mahasiswa; menyediakan anggaran untuk keperluan penelitian, pertukaran mahasiswa asing dan bantuan berbagai kebutuhan mahasiswa lainnya; serta memberikan bantuan tidak langsung (karena menurut ketentuan Undang-Undang Amerika Serikat pemerintah dilarang memberikan bantuan langsung) kepada sekolah-sekolah agama dalam bentuk buku-buku teks dan laboratorium. Namun semenjak masa Pemerintahan Presiden Ronald Reagen, intervensi Pemerintah Pusat AS terhadap pendidikan mulai dikurangi. Selanjutnya tanggung jawab dan inisiatif kebijakan pendidikan diserahkan kepada Negara Bagian (setingkat Propinsi) dan Pemerintah Daerah/Distrik (setingkat Kabupaten/Kota). Di Amerika Serikat terdapat 50 Negara Bagian dan 15.358 Distrik. Jadi sebanyak itu lembaga yang diberi kewenangan dan otonomi untuk mengelola pendidikan.
2. Tujuan Pendidikan AS
Sebagaimana dideskripsikan di atas bahwa karakteristik utama politik system pendidikan Amerika Serikat adalah menonjolnya DESENTRALISASI. Pemerintah Pusat sangat memberi otonomi seluas-luasnya kepada Pemerintah di bawahnya, yaitu Negara Bagian dan Pemerintah Daerah (Distrik). Meskipun Amerika Serikat tidak mempunyai system pendidikan yang terpusat atau yang bersifat nasional, akan tetapi bukan berarti tidak ada rumusan tentang tujuan pendidikan yang berlaku secara nasional. Tujuan system pendidikan Amerika secara umum dirumuskan dalam 5 poin sebagai berikut:
a- Untuk mencapai kesatuan dalam keragaman;
b- Untuk mengembangkan cita-cita dan praktek demokrasi;
c- Untuk membantu pengembangan individu;
d- Untuk memperbaiki kondisi social masyarakat; dan
e- Untuk mempercepat kemajuan nasional.
Di luar 5 tujuan tersebut, Amerika Serikat mengembangkan visi dan missi pendidikan gratis bagi anak usia sekolah untuk masa 12 tahun pendidikan awal, dan biaya pendidikan relative murah untuk tingkat pendidikan tinggi.
3. Manajemen Pendidikan AS
Dengan mengembangkan pola Desentralisasi, maka manajemen pendidikan di Amerika Serikat dikelola berdasarkan aspirasi dan kebutuhan masrakat Negara Bagian dan Pemerintah Daerah setempat. Di tingkat nasional (federal/pusat) dibentuk satu departemen, yaitu DEPARTEMEN PENDIDIKAN FEDERAL. Departemen ini dipimpin oleh seorang setaraf Sekretaris Kabinet. Tugas departemen ini adalah melaksanakan semua kebijakan pemerintah federal dalam sector pendidikan di semua tingkatan pemerintahan dan untuk semua jenjang pendidikan. Tetapi, karena sebagian besar kewenangan dan tanggung jawab pendidikan sudah diserahkan kepada Negara Bagian dan Pemerintah Daerah, maka Departemen Pendidikan Federal hanya menjalankan monitoring dan pengawasan saja. Di tingkat Negara Bagian dibentuk sebuah badan yang diberi nama BOARD of EDUCATION. Badan ini bertugas dan berfungsi membuat kebijakan-kebijakan serta menentukan anggaranpendidikan untuk masing-masing wilayah (Negara Bagian) nya, khususnya berkenaan dengan Pendidikan Dasar dan Pendidikan Menengah.Selanjutnya, untuk menangani permasalahan yang berkaitan dengan hal-hal yang lebih teknis (yaitu; tentang kurikulum sekolah, penentuan persyaratan sertifikasi, guru-guru, dan pembiayaan sekolah) dibentuk sebuah bagian pendidikan yang disebut sebagai COMISSIONER, sering juga disebut sebagai SUPERINTENDENT. Bagian ini dipimpin oleh seorang yang ditunjuk oleh Board of Education atau oleh Gubernur. Untuk beberapa Negara Bagian, pimpinan Bagian Pendidikan ini dipilih oleh masyarakatada. Sementara itu pada level operasional, pelaksanaan manajemen pendidikan dijalankan oleh unit-unit yang lebih rendah, bahkan banyak secara langsung dilaksanakan oleh masing-masing sekolah yang bersangkutan. Para pimpinan atau Kepala Sekolah pada prinsipnya memiliki kebebasan dan otonomi yang luas untuk menjalankan manajemen operasional pendidikan. Khusus untuk menangani kebijakan Pendidikan Tinggi, manajemen pendidikan Amerika Serikat yang dikembangkan oleh Negara-Negara Bagian memisahkan antara Badan yang memberi izin pendirian Perguruan Tinggi (Negeri dan Swasta) dengan Badan yang merumuskan kebijakan akademik serta keuangan. Badan yang menangani kebijakan akademik dan keuangan untuk Pendidikan Tinggi adalah BOARD of TRUSTEES. Untuk Perguruan Tinggi Negeri anggota badan tersebut ditunujuk oleh Gubernur Negara Bagian. Ada juga yang dipilih dari dan oleh kelompok yang akan diwakili. Sedangkan untuk Perguruan Tinggi Swasta anggota badan tersebut dipilih dari perguruan tinggi masing-masing.
4. Pendanaan Pendidikan AS
Sumber pendanaan pendidikan di Amerika, khususnya pendidikan dasar dan menengah, yang lebih dikenal dengan PUBLIC SCHOOLS, berasal dari Anggaran Pemerintah Pusat (Federal), Anggaran Pemerintah Negara Bagian dan Anggaran Pemerintah Daerah.
5. Isu-isu Pendidikan AS
Menurut hasil studi perbandingan yang dilakukan oleh Agustiar Syah Nur (2001), ada beberapa isu dan masalah pendidikan yang dialami pemerintah dan masyarakat Amerika Serikat, antara lain:
a. Banyaknya anak usia sekolah yang tidak diasuh langsung oleh orang tua mereka, karena adanya dinamika perubahan social masyarakat AS yang umumnya baik sang ibu atau sang ayah memiliki kesibukan yang sangat tinggi di luar rumah. Hal ini akan menjadi permasalahan yang serius bagi perkembangan social anak dilihat dari aspek psikis dan emosional.
b. Tingginya tingkat perceraian, yang mengakibatkan banyaknya anak-anak usia sekolah yang hanya diasuh oleh sang ibu sebagai single-parent dalam rumah tangga. Tidak sedikit janda cerei di AS yang terpaksa harus berporfesi rendahan dan kasar. Hal ini juga mempengaruhi perkembangan social anak-anak mereka.
c. Tingginya tingkat imigrasi yang umumnya berasal dari kalangan tidak mampu dan tidak terdidik, yang karenanya banyak diantara mereka yang tidak memperoleh pekerjaan yang layak. Hal ini menyebabkan masalah pendidikan anak-anak dari keluarga imigran tidak dapat teratasi. Ditambah lagi factor bahasa dari kalangan imigran yang menyulitkan bagi anak-anak imigran itu sendiri jika mereka mendapat akses pendidikan.
d. Dari berbagai monitoring dan evaluasi pendidikan yang dilakukan oleh berbagai badan resmi AS sendiri, ternyata kualitas pendidikan dan lulusan sekolah di AS masih kalah dibandingkan dengan negara-negara lain dalam standar internasional. Banyak anak-anak yang drop-outs dan tingginya kekerasan oleh anak-anak.
6. Reformasi Pendidikan AS
Karena adanya berbagai permasalahan tersebut, pemerintah AS sejak tahun 1990 mencanangkan reformasi pendidikan. Pada tahun tersebut Presiden AS George H. B. Bush beserta seluruh Gubernur Negara Bagian (saat itu Bill Clinton termasuk menjadi salah satu Gubernur Negara Bagian) menyetujui reformasi pendidikan dengan mencanangkan 6 tujuan nasional pendidikan AS yang baru. Yaitu:
a. Pada tahun 2000, seluruh anak di AS di waktu mulai masuk sekolah dasar sudah siap untuk belajar.
b. Pada tahun 2000, tamatan sekolah menengah naik sekurangkurangnya 90%.
c. Pada tahun 2000, murid-murid di AS yang menyelesaikan pendidikannya pada “grade 4, 8 dan 12” mampu menunjukkan kemampuannya dalam mata pelajaran yang menantang, yaitu
bahasa inggris, matematika, sains, sejarah, dan geografi. Setiap sekolah di AS harus mampu menunjukkan bahwa anak-anak dapat menggunakan pikirannya dengan baik, sehingga mereka siap menjadi warga negara yang baik, siap untuk memasuki pendidikan yang lebih tinggi, serta siap pula untuk pekerjaan yang produktif dalam perekonomian modern.
d. Pada tahun 2000, siswa-siswa AS adalah yang terbaik di dunia dalam bidang sains dan matematika.
e. Pada tahun 2000, setiap orang dewasa AS dapat membaca dan menulis, memiliki ilmu pengetahuan dan keterampilan yang diperlukan untuk bersaing dalam ekonomi global, serta dapat melaksanakan hak dan tanggung jawabnya sebagai warga negara.
f. Pada tahun 2000, setiap sekolah di AS harus bebas dari obat-obat terlarang dan kekerasan, serta dapat menciptakan suasana lingkungan yang mantap dan aman sehingga kondusif untuk belajar. Pokok-pokok reformasi tersebut dimaksudkan sebagai pegangan dalam membuat kebijakan-kebijakan pendidikan yang sudah harus segera diimplementasikan dan hasilnya sudah harus kelihatan pada tahun 2000. Dan memang itulah yang terjadi di AS. Pokok-pokok reformasi pendidikan itu akhirnya ditindak lanjuti dengan berbagai kreasi kebijakan pendidikan di tingkat negara bagian dan pemerintah derah. Gerakan reformasi pendidikan di kalangan Gubernur itu dipelopori oleh Gubernur Bill Clinton dan Lamar Alexander di masing-masing negara bagiannya. Gebrakan yang dilakukan adalah:
a. Meningkatkan persyaratan untuk menamatkan suatu jenjang pendidikan,
b. Melaksanakan test standar untuk mengukur keberhasilan siswa,
c. Menjalankan system penilaian yang ketat terhadap guru sejalan dengan pembenahan jenjang karir bagi guru-guru,
d. Memperbesar tambahan dana dari negara bagian bagi sekolahsekolah. Tambahan dana baru ini pada umumnya dipakai untuk meningkatkan gaji guru yang kala itu masih berada pada taraf sangat rendah. Akhirnya AS benar-benar memperoleh kemajuan di bidang pendidikan, sehingga ketika Bill Clinton menjadi Presiden AS, keberhasilan AS dalam mengembangkan kebijakan pendidikan mendapat perhatian khusus.
1. Politik Pendidikan Indonesia
Politik pendidikan di Indonesia agaknya mengalami pergeseran dari sentralistik (terpusat) ke desentralisasi. Amal mula intervensi negara terhadap sector pendidikan ini sangat besar, sangat kental, dan sangat vulgar. Keadaan mencapai puncaknya saat kementerian pendidikan dipegang oleh Daoed Joesop. Saat itu tidak ada satupun kebebasan dalam sekolah dan kampus. Bahkan berbeda pendapat pun tidak dimungkinkan. Sekolah dan kampus tak ubahnya kelas besar untuk indokrinasi ideology pemerintah (bukan ideology negara) yang tidak menginginkan adanya kritik terbuka. Kurikulum didisain sedemikian rupa sehingga mata-mata pelajaran yang sifatnya politis menjadi sangat dipentingkan. Mata pelajaran Pancasila mengentalkan intervensi negara kepada otak, pikiran dan sikap warga negaranya.Seiring dengan kejatuhan rejim ‘orde baru’ yang interventif tersebut, yang dijatuhkan oleh adanya gerakan reformasi total masyarakat yang dimotori oleh mahasiswa dan kalangan terpelajar, datanglah era yang penuh semangat untuk mengurangi peran dan campur tangan pemerintah pusat dalam menangani berbagai permasalahan kebijakan, termasuk kebijakan pendidikan. Inspirasi pertama muncul dari diundangkannyaotonomi daerah secara reformis, yaitu UU No.22 tahun 1999. Dikatakan secara reformis karena sebelum ini memang sudah pernah ada UU otonomi daerah tetapi tidak memiliki ruh reformasi dan hanya formalitas, yaitu UU No.5 tahun 1975. UU otonomi daerah yang baru itu mengilhami dirumuskannya kebijakan desentralisasi pendidikan. Dalam bukunya yang berjudul ‘Membenahi Pendidikan Nasional’, Prof. H.A.R. Tilaar (2002), menyatakan bahwa kebijakan desentralisasi pendidikan di Indonesia bukan saja sekedar keinginan dan kemauan, tetapi sudah merupakan suatu keharusan. Pasca gerakan reformasi politik dicanangkan pada tahun 1998, ke depan ini bangsa Indonesia harus bangkit menjadi bangsa yang kuat dan bermartabat, yang berarti sektor pendidikan harus ditempatkan pada posisi pentring dan urgen. Berkaitan dengan urgensi sektor pendidikan itu maka harus dilakukan reformasi dalam pendidikan dari sentralisasi ke desentralisasi. Ada 3 hal yang dapat menjelaskan urgensi desentralisasi pendidikan di Indonesia, yaitu :
a. Untuk pembangunan masyarakat demokrasi;
b. Untuk pembangunan social capital; dan
c. Untuk peningkatan daya saing bangsa;
Selanjujtnya uraian tentang politik pendidikan di Indonesia dapat diikuti kutipan ‘propenas diknas’ yang disistimatisasikan sebagai berikut: Pada awal abad XXI, dunia pendidikan di Indonesia menghadapi tiga tantangan besar. Tantangan pertama, sebagai akibat dari krisis ekonomi, dunia pendidikan dituntut untuk dapat mempertahankan hasil-hasil pembangunan pendidikan yang telah dicapai. Kedua, untuk mengantisipasi era global dunia pendidikan dituntut untuk mempersiapkan sumber daya manusia yang kompeten agar mampu bersaing dalam pasar kerja global. Ketiga, sejalan dengan diberlakukannya otonomi daerah, perlu dilakukan perubahan dan penyesuaian sistem pendidikan nasional sehingga dapat mewujudkan proses pendidikan yang lebih demokratis, memperhatikan keberagaman kebutuhan/keadaan daerah dan peserta didik, serta mendorong peningkatan partisipasi masyarakat. Pada saat ini pendidikan nasional juga masih dihadapkan pada beberapa permasalahan yang menonjol (1) masih rendahnya pemerataan memperoleh pendidikan; (2) masih rendahnya kualitas dan relevansi pendidikan; dan (3) masih lemahnya manajemen pendidikan, di samping belum terwujudnya kemandirian dan keunggulan ilmu pengetahuan dan teknologi di kalangan akademisi. Ketimpangan pemerataan pendidikan juga terjadi antarwilayah geografis yaitu antara perkotaan dan perdesaan, serta antara kawasan timur Indonesia (KTI) dan kawasan barat Indonesia (KBI), dan antartingkat pendapatan penduduk ataupun antargender. Kualitas pendidikan di Indonesia masih sangat memprihatinkan. Hal tersebut tercermin, antara lain, dari hasil studi kemampuan membaca untuk tingkat Sekolah Dasar (SD) yang dilaksanakan oleh organisasi International Educational Achievement (IEA) yang menunjukkan bahwa siswa SD di Indonesia berada pada urutan ke-38 dari 39 negara peserta studi. Sementara untuk tingkat Sekolah Lanjutan Tingkat Pertama (SLTP), studi untuk kemampuan matematika siswa SLTP di Indonesia hanya berada pada urutan ke-39 dari 42 negara, dan untuk kemampuan Ilmu Pengetahuan Alam (IPA) hanya berada pada urutan ke-40 dari 42 negara peserta. Manajemen pendidikan nasional secara keseluruhan masih bersifat sentralistis sehingga kurang mendorong terjadinya demokratisasi dan desentralisasi penyelenggaraan pendidikan. Manajemen pendidikan yang sentralistis tersebut telah menyebabkan kebijakan yang seragam yang tidak dapat mengakomodasi perbedaan keragaman/kepentingan daerah/sekolah/peserta-didik, mematikan partisipasi masyarakat dalam proses pendidikan, serta mendorong terjadinya pemborosan dan kebocoran alokasi anggaran pendidikan. Sementara itu, penyebaran sumber daya manusia penelitian dengan berbagai macam dan tingkatan belum sesuai dengan kebutuhan dan tantangan yang dihadapi. Selain itu, masih dirasakan kurangnya budaya berpikir kritis, penghargaan karya cipta (HAKI) yang belum memadai, kurang efektifnya sistem kelembagaan dan perangkat perundang-undangan serta sertifikasi profesi ilmiah. Berbagai permasalahan tersebut akan diatasi melalui pelaksanaan berbagai program pembangunan yang mengacu pada arah kebijakan pendidikan yang telah diamanatkan oleh GBHN 1999- 2004. Visi Pendidikan Nasional. Visi pendidikan nasional adalah terwujudnya masyarakat Indonesia yang damai, demokratis, berakhlak, berkeahlian, berdaya saing, maju dan sejahtera dalam wadah Negara Kesatuan Republik Indonesia yang didukung oleh manusia Indonesia yang sehat, mandiri, beriman, bertaqwa, berakhlak mulia, cinta tanah air, berdasarkan hukum dan lingkungan, menguasai ilmu pengetahuan danteknologi, memiliki etos kerja yang tinggi serta berdisiplin. Misi Pendidikan Nasional. Untuk mewujudkan visi pendidikan nasional, pemuda, dan olahraga ditetapkan misi yang menjadi sasaran pembangunan pendidikan nasional, pemuda, dan olahraga, yaitu sebagai berikut: (1). Mewujudkan sistem dan iklim pendidikan nasional yang demokratis dan berkualitas guna mewujudkan bangsa yang berakhlak mulia, kreatif, inovatif, berwawasan kebangsaan, cerdas, sehat, disiplin, bertanggungjawab, terampil, serta menguasai ilmu pengetahuan dan teknologi; (2). Mewujudkan kehidupan sosial budaya yang berkepribadian, dinamis, kretaif, dan berdaya tahan terhadap pengaruh globalisasi; (3). Meningkatkan pengamalan ajaran agama dalam kehidupan sehari-hari untuk mewujudkan kualitas keimanan dan ketakwaan kepada Tuhan Yang Maha Esa dalam kehidupan, dan mantapnya persaudaraan antarumat beragama yang berakhlak mulia, toleran, rukun, dan damai; (4). Meningkatkan kualitas sumber daya manusia yang produktif, mandiri, maju, berdaya saing, berwawasan lingkungan dan berkelanjutan dalam rangka memberdayakan masyarakat dan seluruh kekuatan ekonomi nasional terutama pengusaha kecil, menengah, dan koperasi.
2. Arah Kebijkan Pendidikan Indonesia
Kebijakan pembangunan pendidikan di Indonesia diarahkan untuk mencapai hal-hal sebagai berikut: (1). Mengupayakan perluasan dan pemerataan kesempatan memperoleh pendidikan yang bermutu tinggi bagi seluruh rakyat Indonesia menuju terciptanya manusia Indonesia berkualitas tinggi dengan peningkatan anggaran pendidikan secara berarti; (2). Meningkatkan kemampuan akademik dan profesional serta meningkatkan jaminan kesejahteraan tenaga kependidikan sehingga tenaga pendidik mampu berfungsi secara optimal terutama dalam peningkatan pendidikan watak dan budi pekerti agar dapat mengembalikan wibawa lembaga dan tenaga kependidikan; (3). Melakukan pembaharuan sistem pendidikan termasuk pembaharuan kurikulum, berupa diversifikasi kurikulum untuk melayani keberagaman peserta didik, penyusunan kurikulum yang berlaku nasional dan lokal sesuai dengan kepentingan setempat, serta diversifikasi jenis pendidikan secara professional; (4). Memberdayakan lembaga pendidikan baik sekolah maupun luar sekolah sebagai pusat pembudayaan nilai, sikap, dan kemampuan, serta meningkatkan partisipasi keluarga dan masyarakat yang didukung oleh sarana dan prasarana memadai; (5). Melakukan pembaharuan dan pemantapan sistem pendidikan nasional berdasarkan prinsip desentralisasi, otonomi keilmuan dan manajemen; (6). Meningkatkan kualitas lembaga pendidikan yang diselenggarakan baik oleh masyarakat maupun pemerintah untuk memantapkan sistem pendidikan yang efektif dan efisien dalam menghadapi perkembangan ilmu daya manusia sedini mungkin secara terarah, terpadu dan menyeluruh melalui berbagai upaya proaktif dan reaktif oleh seluruh komponen bangsa agar generasi muda dapat berkembang secara optimal disertai dengan hak dukungan dan lindungan sesuai dengan potensinya; (8). Meningkatkan penguasaan, pengembangan dan pemanfaatan ilmu pengetahuan dan teknologi, termasuk teknologi bangsa sendiri dalam dunia usaha, terutama usaha kecil, menengah, dan koperasi guna meningkatkan daya saing produk yang berbasis sumber daya lokal.
3. Program Pembangunan Pendidikan Indonesia
a. Program Pendidikan Dasar dan Prasekolah
Program pembinaan pendidikan dasar dan prasekolah bertujuan untuk (1) memperluas jangkauan dan daya tampung SD dan Madrasah Ibtidaiyah (MI), SLTP dan Madrasah Tsanawiyah (MTs), dan lembaga pendidikan prasekolah sehingga menjangkau anak-anak dari seluruh masyarakat; dan (2) meningkatkan kesamaan kesempatan untuk memperoleh pendidikan bagi kelompok yang kurang beruntung, termasuk mereka yang tinggal di daerah terpencil dan perkotaan kumuh, daerah bermasalah, masyarakat miskin, dan anak yang berkelainan; (3) meningkatkan kualitas pendidikan dasar dan prasekolah dengan kualitas yang memadai; dan (4) terselenggaranya manajemen pendidikan dasar dan prasekolah berbasis pada sekolah dan masyarakat (school/community based management). Sasaran yang akan dicapai oleh program pembinaan pendidikan dasar dan prasekolah sampai dengan akhir tahun 2004 adalah (1) meningkatnya Angka Partisipasi Kasar (APK) SD dan MI dan SLTP-MTs; (2) terwujudnya organisasi sekolah di setiap kabupaten/kota yang lebih demokratis, transparan, efisien, terakunkan (accountable), serta mendorong partisipasi masyarakat; serta (3) terwujudnya manajemen pendidikan yang berbasis sekolah/ masyarakat (school/community based management) dengan mengenalkan konsep dan merintis pembentukan Dewan Sekolah di setiap kabupaten/kota serta pemberdayaan atau pembentukan Komite Sekolah di seluruh SD dan MI serta SLTP dan MTs. Kegiatan pokok dalam mengupayakan pemerataan pendidikan dasar adalah (1) meningkatkan sarana dan prasarana pendidikan di SD dan MI serta pembangunan dan meningkatkan sarana dan prasarana di SLTP dan MTs, termasuk sarana olahraga; (2) memberikan subsidi pendidikan bagi sekolah swasta agar sekolah-sekolah swasta mampu menyelenggarakan pendidikan yang berkualitas dan memberikan layanan pendidikan yang dapat dijangkau masyarakat luas; (3)
menerapkan alternatif layanan pendidikan, khususnya bagi masyarakat kurang beruntung (masyarakat miskin, berpindah-pindah, terisolasi, terasing, minoritas, dan di daerah bermasalah, termasuk anak jalanan), seperti SD dan MI kecil satu guru, guru kunjung/sistem tutorial, SD Pamong, SD-MI terpadu, kelas jauh, serta SLTP-MTs terbuka; (4) melaksanakan revitalisasi serta penggabungan (regrouping) sekolah-sekolah terutama SD, agar tercapai efisiensi dan efektivitas sekolah yang didukung dengan fasilitas yang memadai; (5) memberikan beasiswa bagi siswa berprestasi dan/atau dari keluarga yang tidak mampu, dengan mempertimbangkan peserta didik perempuan secara proporsional; dan (6) melakukan pemerataan jangkauan pendidikan prasekolah melalui peningkatan partisipasi masyarakat dalam menyediakan lembaga penitipan anak, kelompok bermain, dan taman kanak-kanak yang bermutu, serta memberikan kemudahan, bantuan, dan penghargaan oleh pemerintah. Kegiatan pokok dalam upaya peningkatan kualitas pendidikan dasar dan prasekolah adalah (1) meningkatkan kemampuan profesional dan kesejahteraan guru serta tenaga kependidikan lainnya agar dapat meningkatkan kualitas, citra, wibawa, harkat, dan martabat; (2) menyusun kurikulum yang berbasis kompetensi dasar, sesuai dengan kebutuhan dan potensi pembangunan daerah, mampu meningkatkan kreativitas guru, inklusif dan tidak bias gender, sesuai dengan kapasitas dan kemampuan peserta didik, menunjang peningkatan penguasaan ilmu-ilmu dasar serta keimanan, ketakwaan dan kepribadian yang berakhlak mulia; (3) meningkatkan penyediaan, penggunaan, dan perawatan sarana dan prasarana pendidikan: buku pelajaran pokok, buku bacaan, alat pendidikan Ilmu Pengetahuan Sosial (IPS), IPA, dan matematika, perpustakaan, laboratorium, serta ruang lain yang diperlukan; (4) meningkatkan efisiensi dan efektivitas proses belajarmengajar melalui pemetaan mutu sekolah, penilaian proses dan hasil belajar secara bertahap dan berkelanjutan, serta pengembangan sistem dan alat ukur penilaian pendidikan yang lebih efektif untuk meningkatkan pengendalian dan kualitas pendidikan; dan (5) meningkatkan pengawasan dan akuntabilitas kinerja kelembagaan sehingga peran dan tanggung jawab sekolah, pemerintah daerah, termasuk lembaga legislatif dan masyarakat dalam upaya peningkatan mutu pendidikan makin nyata. Kegiatan pokok dalam upaya memperbaiki manajemen pendidikan dasar dan prasekolah adalah (1) melaksanakan desentralisasi bidang pendidikan secara bertahap, bijaksana dan profesional, termasuk peningkatan peranan Komite Sekolah dengan mendorong daerah untuk melaksanakan rintisan penerapan konsep pembentukan Dewan Sekolah; (2) mengembangkan pola penyelenggaraan pendidikan berdasarkan manajemen berbasis sekolah untuk meningkatkan efisiensi pemanfaatan sumber daya pendidikan dengan memperhatikan kondisi dan kebutuhan masyarakat setempat; (3) meningkatkan partisipasi masyarakat dalam penyelenggaraan pendidikan, seperti diversifikasi penggunaan sumber daya dan dana; (4) mengembangkan sistem insentif yang mendorong kompetisi yang sehat baik antarlembaga dan personel sekolah untuk mencapai tujuan pendidikan; (5) memberdayakan personel dan lembaga, antara lain, melalui pelatihan yang dilaksanakan oleh lembaga profesional. Program pemberdayaan ini perlu diikuti dengan pemantauan dan evaluasi secara bertahap dan intensif agar kinerja sekolah dapat bertahan sesuai dengan standar mutu pendidikan yang ditetapkan; (6) meninjau kembali semua produk hukum di bidang pendidikan yang tidak sesuai lagi dengan arah dan tuntutan pembangunan pendidikan; dan (7) merintis pembentukan badan akreditasi dan sertifikasi mengajar di daerah untuk meningkatkan kualitas tenaga kependidikan secara independen.
b. Program Pendidikan Menengah
Program pembinaan pendidikan menengah yang mencakup Sekolah Menengah Umum (SMU), Sekolah Menengah Kejuruan (SMK), dan Madrasah Aliyah (MA) ditujukan untuk (1) memperluas jangkauan dan daya tampung SMU, SMK, dan MA bagi seluruh masyarakat; dan (2) meningkatkan kesamaan kesempatan untuk memperoleh pendidikan bagi kelompok yang kurang beruntung, termasuk mereka yang tinggal di daerah terpencil dan perkotaan kumuh, daerah bermasalah dan masyarakat miskin, dan anak yang berkelainan; (3) meningkatkan kualitas pendidikan menengah sebagai landasan bagi peserta didik untuk melanjutkan pendidikan ke jenjang pendidikan yang lebih tinggi dan kebutuhan dunia kerja; (4) meningkatkan efisiensi pemanfaatan sumber daya pendidikan yang tersedia, (5) meningkatkan keadilan dalam pembiayaan dengan dana publik, (6) meningkatkan efektivitas pendidikan sesuai dengan kebutuhan dan kondisi setempat, (7) meningkatkan kinerja personel dan lembaga pendidikan, (8) meningkatkan partisipasi masyarakat untuk mendukung program pendidikan, dan (9) meningkatkan transparansi dan akuntabilitas penyelenggaraan pendidikan. Sasaran yang akan dicapai oleh program pembinaan pendidikan
menengah sampai dengan akhir tahun 2004 adalah (1) meningkatnya Angka Partisipasi Kasar (APK) SMU, SMK dan MA; (2) meningkatnya daya tampung termasuk untuk lulusan SLTP dan MTs sebagai hasil penuntasan Wajib Belajar Pendidikan Dasar Sembilan Tahun sebanyak 5,6 juta siswa; (3) mewujudkan organisasi sekolah di setiap kabupaten/kota yang lebih demokratis, transparan, efisien, terakunkan (accountable), serta mendorong partisipasi masyarakat; dan (4) terwujudnya manajemen pendidikan yang berbasis sekolah/masyarakat (school/ community based management) dengan mengenalkan konsep dan merintis pembentukan Dewan Sekolah di setiap kabupaten/kota serta pemberdayaan atau pembentukan Komite Sekolah di setiap sekolah. Kegiatan pokok dalam mengupayakan pemerataan pendidikan menengah adalah (1) membangun sekolah dengan prasarana yang
memadai, termasuk sarana olahraga, baik di perkotaan maupun di perdesaan yang disesuaikan dengan kebutuhan setempat, potensidaerah, pemetaan sekolah, kondisi geografis, serta memperhatikan keberadaan sekolah swasta; (2) menerapkan alternatif layanan pendidikan, khususnya bagi masyarakat kurang beruntung yaitu masyarakat miskin, berpindahpindah, terisolasi, terasing, minoritas, dan di daerah bermasalah, termasuk anak jalanan; (3) memberikan kepada siswa yang berprestasi dan/atau dari keluarga yang tidak mampu, dengan mempertimbangkan peserta didik perempuan secara proporsional; dan (4) memberikan subsidi untuk sekolah swasta, yang diprioritaskan pada daerah-daerah yang kemampuan ekonominya lemah, seperti dalam bentuk imbal swadaya dan bentuk bantuan lainnya. Kegiatan pokok dalam upaya peningkatan kualitas dan relevansi pendidikan menengah adalah (1) meningkatkan kemampuan profesional dan kesejahteraan guru dan tenaga kependidikan lainnya, antara lain melalui pemberian akreditasi dan sertifikasi mengajar bidang tertentu yang ditinjau dan dievaluasi secara periodik, serta penyempurnaan sistem angka kredit untuk peningkatan karier guru; (2) menyusun kurikulum yang berbasis kompetensi dasar sesuai dengan kebutuhan dan potensi pembangunan daerah, mampu meningkatkan kreativitas guru, inklusif dan tidak bias gender sesuai dengan kapasitas peserta didik, serta menekankan perlunya peningkatan keimanan dan ketakwaan, wawasan kebangsaan, kesehatan jasmani, kepribadian yang berakhlak mulia, beretos kerja, memahami hak dan kewajiban, serta meningkatkan penguasaan ilmu-ilmu dasar (matematika, sains dan teknologi, bahasa dan sastra, ilmu sosial, dan bahasa Inggris); (3) meningkatkan standar mutu nasional secara bertahap agar lulusan pendidikan menengah mampu bersaing dengan lulusan pendidikan menengah di negara-negara lain; (4) menerapkan kurikulum berbasis kompetensi pada sekolah menengah kejuruan untuk memenuhi tuntutan persyaratan tenaga kerja; (5) mengembangkan lomba karya ilmiah dan sejenisnya yang disesuaikan dengan standar yang dipakai di dunia pendidikan internasional; (6) melakukan pendekatan pada dunia usaha dan dunia industrinuntuk melakukan kerja sama dengan sekolah-sekolah menengah,khususnya pendidikan menengah kejuruan dalam mengembangkan perencanaan, pengembangan materi pelajaran, implementasi kegiatan, dan penilaian program pengajaran; (7) mengembangkan programprogram keterampilan/kejuruan pada SMU dan MA yang sesuai dengan lingkungan setempat atau tuntutan dunia kerja setempat agar para lulusan SMU dan MA yang tidak memiliki peluang untuk melanjutkan ke perguruan tinggi dapat bersaing dalam memasuki dunia kerja; (8) meningkatkan pengadaan, penggunaan, dan perawatan sarana dan prasarana pendidikan termasuk buku dan alat peraga, perpustakaan, dan laboratorium bagi sekolah-sekolah negeri dan swasta secara bertahap; (9) meningkatkan efisiensi dan efektivitas proses belajar mengajar melalui pemetaan mutu sekolah, penilaian proses dan hasil belajar secara bertahap dan berkelanjutan serta pengembangan sistem dan alat ukur penilaian pendidikan yang lebih efektif untuk meningkatkan pengendalian dan kualitas pendidikan; dan (10) meningkatkan pengawasan dan akuntabilitas kinerja kelembagaan dan pengelolaan sumber dana sehingga peran dan tanggung jawab sekolah-sekolah, pemerintah daerah termasuk lembaga legislatif dan masyarakat dalam upaya peningkatan mutu pendidikan makin nyata. Kegiatan pokok dalam upaya peningkatan manajemen pendidikan menengah adalah (1) melaksanakan demokratisasi dan desentralisasi pendidikan antara lain dengan pembentukan dan peningkatan peranan Komite Sekolah meliputi perencanaan, implementasi, dan evaluasi penyelenggaraan pendidikan di sekolah, serta mendorong daerah untuk melaksanakan rintisan penerapan konsep pembentukan Dewan Sekolah; (2) mengembangkan manajemen berbasis sekolah (school based management) untuk meningkatkan kemandirian sekolah dalam penyelenggaraan pendidikan; (3) meningkatkan partisipasi masyarakat agar dapat menjadi mitra kerja pemerintah yang serasi dalam pembinaan pendidikan menengah (4) mengembangkan sistem akreditasi secara adil dan merata, baik untuk sekolah negeri maupun swasta; (5) mengembangkan sistem insentif yang mendorong kompetisi yang sehat antar lembaga dan personel sekolah untuk mencapai tujuan pendidikan; (6) memberdayakan personel dan lembaga antara lain dilakukan melalui pelatihan yang dilaksanakan oleh lembaga profesional. Program pemberdayaan ini perlu diikuti dengan pemantauan dan evaluasi secara bertahap dan intensif agar kinerja sekolah dapat bertahan sesuai dengan standar mutu pendidikan yang ditetapkan; (7) meninjau kembali semua produk hukum di bidang pendidikan, yang tidak sesuai lagi dengan arah dan tuntutan pembangunan pendidikan; dan (8) merintis pembentukan badan akreditasi dan sertifikasi mengajar di daerah untuk meningkatkan kualitas tenaga kependidikan secara independen.
c. Program Pendidikan Tinggi
Program pembangunan nasional pendidikan tinggi bertujuan untuk (1) melakukan penataan sistem pendidikan tinggi; (2) meningkatkan kualitas dan relevansi pendidikan tinggi dengan dunia kerja; dan (3) meningkatkan pemerataan kesempatan memperoleh pendidikan tinggi, khususnya bagi siswa berprestasi yang berasal dari keluarga kurang mampu. Sasaran yang ingin dicapai adalah (1) mewujudkan otonomi pengelolaan empat perguruan tinggi negeri - yaitu Institut Teknologi Bandung (ITB), Institut Pertanian Bogor (IPB), Universitas Indonesia (UI), dan Universitas Gadjah Mada (UGM)-- dan merintis penerapannya di beberapa perguruan tinggi negeri lainnya;(2) meningkatkan jumlah lulusan yang terserap di dunia kerja; dan (3) meningkatkan angka partisipasi kasar (APK). Kegiatan pokok di bidang penataan sistem pendidikan tinggi ini adalah (1) meningkatkan otonomi manajemen agar kreativitas, keaslian (ingenuity) dan produktivitas sivitas akademika dapat menghasilkan kualitas kinerja yang tinggi, yang akan dilakukan dengan memberi kewenangan yang lebih besar pada perguruan tinggi untuk mengelola sumber daya yang dimiliki, baik fisik, finansial, maupun sumber daya manusia, termasuk kurikulumnya; (2). Meningkatkan mekanisme kerjasama yang jelas antara perguruan tinggi dan masyarakat pengguna hasil perguruan tinggi tentang pemanfaatan sumber daya dalam proses pelaksanaan kegiatan fungsional dan kualitas kinerja perguruan tinggi (3) meningkatkan kualitas sistem akreditasi di lingkungan pendidikan tinggi yang dilaksanakan secara teratur, efisien, dan efektif; (4) menyusun peraturan perundang-undangan untuk menertibkan lembaga pemberi/penerbit gelar dan jabatan akademik; dan (5) meningkatkan kemampuan sivitas akademika dalam melakukan evaluasi diri untuk meningkatkan kualitas proses pembelajaran, kinerja staf, dan perencanaan pengembangan perguruan tinggi. Kegiatan pokok di bidang peningkatan kualitas dan relevansi adalah (1) menyesuaikan program studi dengan perkembangan kebutuhan pembangunan nasional; (2) meningkatkan kualitas tenaga pengajar dengan jalan meningkatkan proporsi yang berpendidikan pascasarjana; (3) meningkatkan kualitas fasilitas laboratorium beserta peralatannya, buku-buku, dan jurnal ilmiah; serta (4) menyempurnakankurikulum yang sejalan dengan tuntutan kebutuhan pembangunan, baik di tingkat lokal maupun nasional untuk menghadapi persaingan global. Kegiatan pokok di bidang penelitian untuk meningkatkan kualitas dan relevansi adalah (1) meningkatkan penguasaan, pengembangan, dan pemanfaatan ilmu pengetahuan dan teknologi untuk meningkatkan dayasaing produk yang berbasis sumber daya lokal; (2) meningkatkan kualitas laboratorium beserta peralatannya; (3) melengkapi informasi ilmiah berupa buku dan jurnal; (4) meningkatkan kualitas kemampuan meneliti bagi tenaga akademik melalui pendidikan lanjutan dan pelatihan; serta (5) mendorong kerjasama penelitian dan pengembangan antarperguruan tinggi, serta antara perguruan tinggi dan lembaga penelitian/dunia usaha baik nasional maupun internasional, khususnya untuk mendukung pengembangan sumber daya lokal. Kegiatan pokok di bidang pengabdian pada masyarakat untuk meningkatkan kualitas dan relevansi adalah (1) menyebarluaskan penerapan ilmu pengetahuan dan teknologi tepat guna untuk kemaslahatan masyarakat; (2) meningkatkan kerjasama perguruan tinggi untuk mendukung pengembangan industri kecil; (3) menyelenggarakan kerjasama dengan industri untuk meningkatkan kemampuan dalam ilmu pengetahuan dan teknologi; serta (4) meningkatkan partisipasi perguruan tinggi untuk mendukung proses pengembangan masyarakat. Kegiatan pokok untuk memperluas kesempatan memperoleh pendidikan tinggi bagi masyarakat adalah (1) meningkatkan kapasitas tampung, terutama untuk bidang-bidang yang menunjang kemajuan ekonomi, penguasaan sains dan teknologi, serta meningkatkan kualitas kehidupan; (2) mendorong peningkatan peran swasta melalui perguruan tinggi swasta; (3) meningkatkan penyediaan beasiswa bagi mahasiswa yang berasal dari keluarga kurang mampu; dan (4) menyebarkan kapasitas pendidikan tinggi secara geografis untuk mendukung pembangunan daerah serta memberi kesempatan bagi kelompok masyarakat yang berpenghasilan rendah termasuk kelompok masyarakat dari daerah bermasalah, dengan menyelenggarakan pembinaan perguruan tinggi sebagai pusat pertumbuhan di kawasan serta
menyelenggarakan pembinaan program unggul di wilayah kedudukan perguruan tinggi.
d. Program Pembinaan Pendidikan Luar Sekolah
Program pembinaan pendidikan luar sekolah (PLS) ini bertujuan untuk menyediakan pelayanan kepada masyarakat yang tidak atau belum sempat memperoleh pendidikan formal untuk mengembangkan diri, sikap, pengetahuan dan keterampilan, potensi pribadi, dan dapat mengembangkan usaha produktif guna meningkatkan kesejahteraan hidupnya. Selain itu, program PLS diarahkan pada pemberian pengetahuan dasar dan keterampilan berusaha secara profesional sehingga warga belajar mampu mewujudkan lapangan kerja bagi dirinya dan anggota keluarganya. Sasaran program PLS adalah penduduk atau warga belajar yang tidak atau belum sempat memperoleh pendidikan formal yang meliputi (a) penduduk yang masih buta aksara latin, angka, dan bahasa Indonesia; (b) warga belajar yang belum menyelesaikan wajib belajar pendidikan dasar 9 tahun; dan (c) pemberdayaan tempat/sanggar pusatpusat kegiatan pembelajaran masyarakat. Kegiatan pokok yang dilakukan adalah (1) mempercepat penuntasan buta aksara melalui keaksaraan fungsional, khususnya bagi penduduk usia 10-44 tahun. Taman Bacaan dan perpustakaan yang sudah ada dikembangkan dan ditingkatkan pemanfaatannya agar warga masyarakat gemar membaca buku. Upaya untuk menuntaskan tiga buta (buta aksara latin dan angka, buta bahasa Indonesia, dan buta pengetahuan dasar) ditingkatkan dan diperluas jenisnya agar dapat menampung murid yang putus sekolah dari berbagai jalur, jenis, dan jenjang pendidikan, dengan memberi perhatian khusus pada perempuan; (2) meningkatkan sosialisasi dan jangkauan pelayanan pendidikan dan kualitas serta kuantitas warga belajar Kejar Paket A setara SD, Kejar Paket B setara SLTP untuk mendukung wajib belajar 9 tahun, dan mengembangkan berbagai jenis pendidikan luar sekolah yang berorientasi pada kondisi dan potensi lingkungan, dengan mendayagunakan prasarana dan kelembagaan yang sudah ada di masyarakat; dan (3) mengembangkan model pembelajaran untuk program pendidikan berkelanjutan yang berorientasi pada peningkatan
keterampilan dan kemampuan kewirausahaan. Jenis dan jangkauan kegiatan disesuaikan dengan kebutuhan masyarakat dan permintaan pasar, dan diarahkan pada peningkatan pengetahuan dasar dan keterampilan berwiraswasta sebagai bekal kemampuan bekerja dan
e. Program Sinkronisasi dan Koordinasi
Program ini bertujuan untuk meningkatkan sinkronisasi dan koordinasi perencanaan, pelaksanaan, pengendalian, dan pengawasan program-program pendidikan baik antarjenjang, jalur, dan jenis maupun antardaerah. Sasarannya adalah mewujudkan sinkronisasi dan koordinasi perencanaan, pelaksanaan, pengendalian, dan pengawasan program-program pembangunan pendidikan, antarjenjang, jalur dan jenis maupun antardaerah. Kegiatan pokok yang dilakukan adalah (1) melakukan kajian akademik, merumuskan, dan mewujudkan peraturan perundangundangan dan kebijakan pendidikan nasional yang mendukung sinkronisasi dan koordinasi perencanaan dan pelaksanaan pembangunan pendidikan antarjenjang, jalur dan jenis maupun antardaerah; (2) mengembangkan dan melaksanakan sistem kelembagaan yang mendukung sinkronisasi dan koordinasi perencanaan, pelaksanaan,
pengendalian, dan pengawasan pembangunan pendidikan antarjenjang, jalur dan jenis maupun antardaerah; (3) melakukan penilaian/pengukuran keberhasilan pembangunan pendidikan nasional; (4) melakukan standarisasi sarana dan prasarana pendidikan untuk mendukung proses belajar mengajar yang bermutu; (5) mengembangkan dan melaksanakan sistem informasi dan pendataan untuk semua jalur, jenis, dan jenjang, serta daerah; (6) melakukan advokasi dan sosialisasi kebijakan pendidikan nasional; dan (7) melakukan kerja sama di bidang pendidikan dengan berbagai lembaga baik di dalam maupun di luar negeri.
f. Program Penelitian dan Pengembangan
Program ini bertujuan untuk (1) meningkatkan mutu hasil penelitian; (2) meningkatkan kualitas peneliti; (3) meningkatkan kompetensi lembaga-lembaga penelitian dan pengembangan (litbang) publik searah dengan kebutuhan dunia usaha dan masyarakat, serta perkembangan percepatan ilmu pengetahuan dan teknologi; dan (4) membentuk iklim yang kondusif bagi terbentuknya sumber daya litbang. Sasaran yang akan dicapai adalah mendayagunakan ilmu pengetahuan dan teknologi yang sesuai dengan nilai-nilai agama danbudaya luhur bangsa untuk memecahkan berbagai masalah pembangunan. Kegiatan pokok yang dilakukan adalah (1) membina kreativitas pengembangan program penelitian; (2) mengembangkan riset-riset pembinaan dan unggulan; (3) memanfaatkan hasil litbang dalampeningkatan kualitas layanan masyarakat; (4) mengembangkan jaringan kerjasama riset, termasuk dengan lembaga penelitian internasional untuk mengembangkan produk-produk unggulan; (5) mengembangkan dan memantapkan pusat-pusat unggulan di berbagai lembaga universitas dan riset; (6) mengembangkan kajian-kajian sosial budaya sebagai masukan bagi kebijakan pemerintah; (7) melindungi produk litbang dalam HAKI dan desentralisasi agar pendapatan lebih dapat dimanfaatkan oleh individu dan lembaga penemu; (8) membina organisasi profesi ilmiah untuk melakukan sertifikasi dan akreditasi profesional sesuai dengan standar internasional; (9) memberdayakan lembaga-lembaga ilmiah dan masyarakat dalam pemberian penghargaan inovasi ilmiah; dan (10) mengembangkan pranata iptek di daerah, baik dari sisi program maupun kelembagaannya, sesuai dengan kebutuhan dan potensi sumber daya daerah.
g. Program Peningkatan Kemandirian dan Keunggulan Iptek
Program ini bertujuan untuk meningkatkan kemampuan pelayanan teknologi lembaga-lembaga litbang, Metrology, Standardization, Testing and Quality (MSTQ), yang ditekankan untuk mendukung daya saing dunia usaha dan mendorong pelaksanaan litbang di dan oleh dunia usaha. asaran yang akan dicapai adalah meningkatnya kemandirian pelayanan teknologi dan keunggulan inovasi teknologi bangsa sendiri agar dapat meningkatkan daya saing dunia usaha dan masyarakat. Kegiatan pokok yang dilakukan adalah (1) mengembangkan agenda riset lembaga litbang dengan pengguna iptek; (2) menata sistem kelembagaan, legal, fiskal, dan finansial untuk memudahkan sebaran kemanfaatan iptek, bagi dunia usaha; (3) menyusun peraturan perundang-undangan untuk memberikan keleluasaan lembaga litbang dalam mengelola penerimaan dana hasil penelitian dan pelayanan teknologi;
(4) mengembangkan iklim riset dan evaluasi kinerja melalui mekanisme seleksi terbuka; (5) mengembangkan sistem MSTQ melalui peningkatan standar mutu luaran iptek; (6) mengembangkan asistensi teknis kepada usaha kecil, menengah, koperasi, dan wirausaha tradisional; dan (7) memperluas kemitraan riset, termasuk menyederhanakan proses kemitraan, untuk meningkatkan keefektifan dan keleluasan dalam berhubungan dengan dunia usaha.
4. Manajemen Pendidikan Di Indonesia
Administrasi dan menejemen (birokrasi) pendidikan di Indonesia tidak berbeda dengan administrasi dan manajemen sektor-sektor lain yang berbentuk departemen. Secara nasional permasalahan sektor pendidikan ditangani oleh sebuah badan berbentukdepartemen, yang
beberapa kali mengalami perubahan nama dan perubahan terakhir diberi nama DEPARTEMEN PENDIDIKAN NASIONAL. Departemen ini dipimpin oleh seorang menteri yang ditunjuk langsung oleh presiden. Untuk masa sekarang ini, struktur organisasinya adalah sebagai berikut:
Departemen Pendidikan Nasional IndonesiaDitingkat regional (propinsi), koordinasi urusan-urusan pendidikan ditangani oleh sebuah badan yang diberi nama DINAS PENDIDIKAN PROPINSI, yang dipimpin oleh seorang kepala. Kepala Dinas Pendidikan Propinsi ditunjuk oleh Gubernur dengan persetujuan DPRD Propinsi. Sedangkan di tingkat daerah Kabupaten/Kota, koordinasi urusan pendidikan ditangani oleh sebuah lembaga yang diberi nama DINAS PENDIDIKAN KABUPATEN/KOTA. Sama dengan Dinas di Propinsi, Dinas ini dipimpin oleh seorang kepala. Bedanya, kepala dinas di tingkat kabupaten/kota ditunjuk oleh Bupati/Walikota dengan persetujuan DPRD Kab/Kota yang bersangkutan. Sejalan dengan kebijakan desentralisasi pemerintahan, maka sektor pendidikan ini juga mengalami perubahan kebijakan dari sentralistik ke desentralisasi. Sebagaimana diketahui bahwa tujuan dikeluarkannya Undang Undang Pemerintahan Daerah dan otonomi daerah adalah untuk memberikan kewenangan yang luas, nyata, dan bertanggungjawab kepada Daerah dan masyarakat sehingga memberi peluang kepada Daerah dan masyarakat agar leluasa mengatur dan melaksanakan kewenangannya atas prakasa sendin sesuai dengan kepentingan masyarakat setempat dan potensi setiap daerah. Penyelenggaraan pendidikan memerlukan dukungan masyarakat yang memadai. Sebagat langkah alternatif dalam mengupayakan dukungan masyarakat untuk sektor pendidikan ini adalah dengan menumbuhkan keberpihakan yang bermutu, mulai dari pimpinan negara, sampai aparat yang paling rendah. termasuk masyarakat yang bergerak dalam sektor swasta dan industri. Keberpihakan konkret itu perlu disalurkan secara politis menjadi suatu gerakan bersama (collective action) yang diwadahi Dewan Pendidikan yang berkedudukan di kabupaten/kota dan komite Sekolah ditingkat satuan pendidikan. Dewan Pendidikan dan komite Sekolah merupakan badan yangbersifat mandiri, tidak mempunyai hubungan hierarkis dengan satuan pendidikan maupun lembaga pemerintah lainnya. Posisi Dewan Pendidikan, Komite Sekolah, satuan pendidikan, dan lembaga-lembaga pemerintah lainnya mengacu pada kewenangan masing-masing berdasarkan ketentuan yang berlaku Tujuan dibentuknya Dewan Pendidikan dan Komite Sekolah adalah sebagai berikut:
1. Mewadahi dan menyalurkan aspirasi dan prakarsa masyarakat dalam melahirkan kebijakan dan program pendidikan dikabupaten/kota (Untuk Dewan Pendidakan) dan di satuan pendidikan (Untuk Kornite Sekolah).
2. Menigkatkan tanggung jawab dan peran serta aktif dari seluruh lapisan masyarakat dalam penyelenggaraan pendidikan.
3. Menciptakan suasana dan kondisi transparan, akuntabel, dan demokratis dalarn penyelenggaraan dan pelayanan pendidikan yang bermutu di daerah kabupaten/kota dan satuan pendidikan. Peran yang dijalankan Dewan Pendidikan adalah sebagai pemberi pertimbangan dalam penentuan dan pelaksanaan kebijakan pendidikan. Badan tersebut juga berperan sebagai pendukung baik yang berwujud finansial, pemikiran maupun tenaga dalam penyelenggaraan pendidikan. Di samping itu juga Dewan Pendidikan berperan sebagai pengontrol dalam rangka transparansi dan akuntabilitas penyelenggaraan dan keluaran pendidikan, serta sebagai mediator antara pemerintah (eksekutif) dan Dewan Perwakilan Rakyat Daerah (Legislatif) dengan masyarakat. Di lain pihak peran yang dijalankan Komite Sekolah adalah sebagai pemberi pertimbangan dalam penentuan dan pelaksanaan kebijakan pendidikan di satuan pendidikan. Badan tersebut juga berperan sebagai pendukung baik yang berwujud finansial, pemikiran maupun tenaga dalam penyelenggaraan pendidikan di satuan pendidikan. Di samping itu juga Komite Sekolah berperan sebagai pengontrol dalam rangka transparansi dan akuntabilitas penyelenggaraan dan keluaran pendidikan, di satuan pendidikan, serta sebagai mediator antara pemerintah (eksekutif) dengan masyarakat di satuan pendidikan. Untuk menJalankan perannya itu, Dewan Pendidikan dan Kornite Sekolah memiliki fungsi mendorong tumbuhnya perhatian dan komitmen masyarakat terhadap penyelenggaraan pendidikan yang bermutu. Badan itu juga melakukan kerja sama dengan masyarakat, baik perorangan maupun organisasi, dunia usaha dan dunia industri, pemerintah, dan DPRD berkenan dengan penyelenggaraan pendidikan bermutu. Fungsi lainnya adalah menampung dan menganalisis aspirasi, pandangan, tuntutan, dan berbagai kebutuhan pendidikan yang diajukan oleh masyarakat. Di samping itu, fungsi Dewan Pendidikan dan Komite Sekolah adalah memberikan masukan, pertimbangan dan rekomendasi kepada pernerintah daerah/DPPD dan kepada satuan pendidikan mengenai kebijakan dan program pendidikan; kriteria kinerja daerah dalam bidang pendidikan; kriteria tanaga kependidikan, khususnya guru/tutor dan kepala satuan pendidikan; kriteria fasilitas pendidikan; dan hal-hal lain yang terkait dengan pendidikan.Terakhir fungsi Dewan Pendidikan dan Komite Sekolah adalah mendorong orang tua dan masyarakatberpartisipasi dalam pendidikan dan menggalang dana masyarakat dalam rangka pembiayaan penyelenggaraan pendidikan di satuan pendidikan. Anggota Dewan Pendidikanterdin atas unsur masyarakat dan dapat ditambah dengan unsur birokrasi/legislatif. Unsur masyarakat dapat berasal dari Lembaga Swadaya Masyarakat (LSM) bidang pendidikan; tokoh masyarakat (Ulama, budayawan, pemuka adat, dll); anggota masyarakat yang mempunyai perhatian pada peningkatan mutu pendidikan atau yang dijadikan figur di daerah: tokoh dan pakar pendidikan yang mempunyai perhatian pada peningkatan mutu pendidikan; yayasan penyelenggara pendidikan (sekolah, luar sekolah, madrasah, pesantren); dunia usaha/industri/asosiasi profesi (pengusaha industri, jasa, asosiasi, dan lain-lain); organisasi profesi tenaga kependidikan (PGRI, ISPI, dan lain-lain); dan perwakilan dari Komite Sekolah yang disepakati. Unsur birokrasi. misalnya dari unsur dinaspendidikan setempat dan dan unsur legislatif yang membidangi pendidikan, dapat diiibatkan sebagai anggota Dewan Pendidikan maksimal 4-5 orang. Jumlah anggota Dewan Pendidikan sebanyak-banyaknya berjumlah 17 (tujuh belas) orang dan jumlahnya harus gasal Syaratsyarat, hak dan kewajiban, serta masa bakti keanggotaan Dewan Pendidikan ditetapkan di dalam AD/ART. Dilain phak anggota Komite Sekolah berasal dari unsur-unsur yang ada dalam masyarakat. Disamping itu unsur dewan guru, yayasan/lembaga penyelenggara pendidikan, Badan Pertimbangan Desa dapat pula dilibatkan sebagai anggota. Anggota Komite Sekolah dari unsur masyarakat dapat berasal dari perwakilan orang tua/wali peserta didik berdasarkan jenjang kelas yang dipilih secara demokratis; tokoh masyarakat (ketua RT/RW/RK. Kepala dusun, ulama, budayawan, pemuka adat); anggota masyarakat yang mempunyai perhatian akan dijadikan figur dan, mempunyai perhatian untuk meningkatkan mutu pendidikan; pejabat pemerintah setempat (Kepala Desa/Lurah, Kepolisian, Koramil, Depnaker, Kadin, dan Instansi lain); dunia usaha/industri (pengusaha industri, jasa, asosiasi, dan lain-lain); pakar pendidikan yang mempunyai perhatian pada peningkatan mutu pendidikan; organisasi profesi tenaga pendidikan (PGRI, ISPI, dan lain-lain); perwakilan siswa bagi tingkat SLTP/SMU/SMK yang dipilih secara demokratis berdasarkan jenjang kelas; dan perwakilan forum alumni SD/SLTP SMU/SMK yang telah dewasa den mandiri. Anggota Komite Sekolah yang berasal dari unsur dewan guru, yayasan lembaga penyelenggaraan pendidikan, Badan Pertimbangan Desa sebanyakbanyaknya berjumlah tiga orang. Jumlah anggota Komite Sekolah sekurang-kurangnya 9 (sembilan) orang dan jumlahnya harus gasal. Syarat-syarat, hak, dan kewajiban, serta masa keanggotaan Komite Sekolah ditetapkan di dalam AD/ART. Pengurus Dewan Pendidikan dan Kornite Sekolah ditetapkan berdasarkan AD/ART yang sekurang-kurangnya terdiri alas seorang ketua, sekretaris, bendahara. Apabila dipandang perlu, kepengurusan dapat dilengkapi dengan bidang-bidang tertentu sesuai kebutuhan. Selain itu dapat pula diangkat petugas khusus yang menangani administrasi. Pengurus dewan dipilih dari dan oleh anggota secara demokratis. Khusus jabatan ketua Dewan Pendidikan bukan berasal dari unsur pemerintahan daerah dan DPRD dan ketua Komite Sekolah bukan berasal dari kepala satuan pendidikan. Syarat-syarat, hak, dan kewajiban, serta masa bakti kepengurusan Dewan Pendidikan dan Komite Sekolah ditetapkan di dalam AD/ART Pembentukan Dewan Pendidikan den Komite Sekolah harusdilakukan secara transparan, akuntabel, dan demokratis. Dilakukan secara transparan adalah bahwa Kornite Sekolah harus dibentuk secara terbuka dan diketahui oleh masyarakat secara luas mulai dari tahap pembentukan panitia persiapan, proses sosialisasi oleh panitia persiapan, kriteria calon anggota, proses seleksi calon anggota, pengumuman calon anggota, proses pemilihan, dan penyampaian hasil pemilihan dilakukan secara akuntabel adalah bahwa panitia persiapan hendaknva menyampaikan laporan pertanggungjawaban kinerjanya maupun penggunaan dana kepanitiaan. Dilakukan secara demokratis adalah bahwa dalam proses pemilihan annggota dlan pengurus dilakukan dengan musyawarah mufakat. Jika dipandang perlu permilihan anggota dan pengurus dapat dilakukan melalui pemungutan suara. Pembentukan Dewan Pendidikan dan Kornite Sekolah diawali dengan pembentukan panitia pesiapan yang dibentuk, oleh kepala satuan pendidikan dan/atau oleh masyarakat. Panitia persiapan berjumlah sekurang-kurangnya 5 (lima) orang yang terdiri atas kalangan praktisi pendidikan (seperti guru, kepala satuan pendidikan, penyelenggara pendidikan, pemerhati pendidikan (LSM peduli pendidikan, tokoh masyarakat, tokoh agama, dunia usaha dan industri), dan orang tua peserta didik.
5. Pendanaan Pendidikan di Indonesia
Jika dibandingkan dengan di AS, sumber pendanaan pendidikan di Indonesia berasal dari beberapa sumber anggaran. Yaitu berasal dari APBN, APBD Propinsi, dan APBD Kabupaten/Kota. Sumber pendanaan dari APBN umunya dialokasikan untuk seluruh kegiatan pendidikan, mulai dari tingkat dasar, menengah, hingga perguruan tinggi. Sumber dari APBN ini juga diperuntukkan bagi penyelenggaraan pendidikan secara nasional. Sedangkan sumber pendanaan yang berasal dari APBN Propinsi, umumnya sebagian besar diperuntukkan bagi pendidikan tingkat dasar dan menengah. Hanya sebagian kecil yang dialokasikan untuk mendukung kegiatan di tingkat pendidikan tinggi. Sumber dana dari APBD propinsi ini dialokasikan untuk penuyelenggaraan pendidikan yang ada diwilayah propinsi tersebut. Adapun sumber pendanaan dari APBD Kabupaten/Kota seluruhnya untuk mendukung penyelenggaraan pendidikan di wilayah tersebut. Hal ini sesuai dengan semangat desentralisasi. Sejak diberlakukannya kebijakan desentralisasi pendidikan, alokasi anggaran pendidikan, baik di APBN maupun APBD Propinsi dan Kab/Kota, mengalami peningkatan yang cukup berarti. Hal ini dikarenakan menurut amanat UU, anggaran pendidikan harus terus diupayakan dinaikkan hingga mencapai sedikitnya angka 20% dari total anggaran pengeluaran APBN atau APBD.
Surabaya, Oktober 2005
Ulul Albab, Drs., MS
Senin, 25 April 2011
1. Politics of U.S. Education
In general, educational policies taken in one country tend to be used as tools of state intervention to its citizens. Forms of intervention could be justified (abash or recognized / absence) of certain knowledge, institutional arrangements schools, long education and degrees, as well as educational qualifications is associated with the job position (jabqatan). Among the school education level (ranging from Elementary to University level) that exist, mostly country prefers to concentrate his power to intervene in school education that is destined for children, adolescents and youth. Almost no country is big enough to pay attention to education for adults. The question is: Why does the state prefer to focus its attention to the education of children (young), compared with adult education?. Heidenheimer (1990: 23) illustrates the answer as follows: Whereas some countries have chosen to concentrate its intervention in the education of children and adolescents is due to the reason because the state has a responsibility to create cadres of the nation. Having a reason that the school is quite interesting to master, which in it there is a generation that is very easy to influence. There is also partly justified because the country voting for political elections in the future need socialization process, and it is suitable for children through schools. Meanwhile, education is a basic requirement that must be met. Therefore, parents enter their children in droves in various educational institutions, especially formal education institutions are organized or accredited by the state. Intervention and state intervention in the formal school education seems often overlooked by parents. Because of that we need a monitoring mechanism carried out by adults (people) local to the organization of formal education schools for intervention (policy) in the state education sector was significantly positive for the next generation of more reliable, as well as to reduce the chances of a possible deviation intervention activities conducted in that country. In democratic countries, the awareness to control and limit government intervention in the education sector is characterized with the chosen principle of decentralization in decision-making (regulation) education sector. United States is one of the pioneers of democracy. It has long been the policy of education in the United States is the responsibility of the State Government (State) and Local Government (District). Previously, the central government did intervene in education policy, as has occurred since 1872, when U.S. central government intervened education policy by providing state lands to the State for development of the faculties of agriculture and engineering; assist schools with lunch programs, providing education for Indians; provide education funds for the veterans who returned to campus to pursue further education; provide loans for students, provide a budget for the purposes of research, exchange of foreign students and other student aid needs, and provide indirect assistance (because of according to the provisions of the Act prohibited the U.S. government provides direct assistance) to religious schools in the form of text books and laboratories. But since the administration of President Ronald Reagan, the U.S. central government intervention to education began to be reduced. Furthermore, responsibility and education policy initiatives submitted to the State (provincial level) and Local Government / District (at district / city). In the United States contains 50 15 358 State and District. So as much as it is an institution that is empowered and autonomy to manage education.
2. U.S. Educational Objectives
As described above, the main characteristic of the United States political system, education is the prominence DECENTRALIZATION. The Central Government is giving broad autonomy to the Government under it, namely State and Local Government (District). Although the United States does not have a centralized educational system or the national character, but that does not mean there is no formulation of educational goals that apply nationally. The purpose of American education systems are generally formulated in 5 points as follows:
a-In order to achieve unity in diversity;
b-To develop and practice the ideals of democracy;
c-To assist the development of the individual;
d-To improve the social conditions of society; and
e-In order to accelerate national progress.
Outside the 5 end, the United States to develop a vision and mission of free education for school-age children for a period of 12 years of early education, and relatively cheap tuition fees for higher education.
3. U.S. Education Management
By developing patterns of decentralization, the management of education in the United States is managed according to the aspirations and needs masrakat State and Local Government. At the national level (the federal) formed one department, namely FEDERAL DEPARTMENT OF EDUCATION. The department is headed by a commensurate Cabinet Secretary. The task of this department is to implement all the policies of the federal government in education sector at all levels of government and to all levels of education. However, because most of the authority and responsibility education has been submitted to the State and Local Government, the Federal Ministry of Education only run the monitoring and supervision only. At the State level set up an entity that is named BOARD of EDUCATION. The agency is in charge and serves to make the policies and determining budget education for each region (State of) it, especially with regard to Basic Education and Education Menengah.Selanjutnya, to address issues related to things that are more technical (ie: about the school curriculum, determining the requirements for certification, teachers, and school funding) formed a part of education is referred to as COMISSIONER, often also referred to as the Superintendent. This section is headed by a person appointed by the Board of Education or by the Governor. For the several States, the head of the Education Section was selected by masyarakat ada. Meanwhile, at the operational level, implementation of education management is run by units lower, even more directly implemented by each school. The leader or school principal in principle have the freedom and autonomy to run the operational management of education. Specifically to handle the higher education policy, education management developed by the United States that the States which separates between the Board authorize the establishment of universities High (State and Private) with the Agency to formulate academic policies and finances. Agency which handles academic and financial policies for Higher Education is the Board of Trustees. For State Universities member is ditunujuk by the Governor of the State. There also are elected from and by the group that will be represented. As for Private Colleges limbs were selected from their respective universities.
4. U.S. Education Funding
Sources of funding education in America, particularly elementary and secondary education, better known as the Public Schools, came from Central Government Budget (Federal), State Government Budget and the Local Government Budget.
5. U.S. Education Issues
According to the results of a comparative study conducted by Agustiar Shah Nur (2001), there are several issues and educational problems experienced by the United States government and society, among others:
a. Number of school-age children are not raised directly by their parents, because of the dynamics of social change in American society are generally either the mother or the father has a very high activity outside the home. This will be a serious problem for the social development of children in terms of psychological and emotional.
b. The high divorce rate, which resulted in many school-age children who only cared for by his mother as a single-parent in the household. Not a few in the U.S. cerei widow who was forced to berporfesi lowly and coarse. This also affects the social development of their children.
c. The high levels of immigration are generally drawn from the incapable and uneducated, which therefore many of them do not get a decent job. This causes problems of education of children from immigrant families can not be resolved. Plus the language of the immigrant factor that makes it difficult for immigrant children themselves if they have access to education.
d. Of the various monitoring and evaluation of education undertaken by various official bodies the U.S. alone, it turns out the quality of education and graduate schools in the U.S. is still less than with other countries in the international standard. Many children who drop-outs, and the height of violence by children.
6. U.S. Education Reform
Because of various problems, the U.S. government in 1990 launched the education reform. In that year U.S. President George H. B. Bush and all State Governor (then Bill Clinton included one State Governor) agree with the education reforms announced six national education goals of the new U.S.. Namely:
a. In 2000, all children in the U.S. at the time began to enter elementary school ready to learn.
b. In 2000, high school graduates rose sekurangkurangnya 90%.
c. In 2000, students in the U.S. who completed his education at the "grade 4, 8 and 12" were able to show his ability in challenging subjects, namely English, mathematics, science, history, and geography. Every school in the U.S. must be able to demonstrate that children can use his mind well, so they are ready to become good citizens, ready to enter higher education, and also ready to work productively in a modern economy.
d. In 2000, U.S. students are the best in the world in science and mathematics.
e. In 2000, all U.S. adults can read and write, has the knowledge and skills necessary to compete in the global economy, and may exercise the rights and responsibilities as citizens.
e. In 2000, every school in the United States must be free from drugs and violence, as well as to create a stable atmosphere and safe environment so conducive to
learning. Principles of the reform was intended as a guidance in making educational policies must be implemented and the results are already visible in 2000. And that's exactly what happened in the U.S.. Principles of educational reform was eventually followed up with a variety of creative educational policy at the state and government derah. Education reform movement among the governor was pioneered by Bill Clinton and Governor Lamar Alexander in their respective states. Breakthrough is the following:
a. Increasing the requirements for completing an education level,
b. Carry out standard tests to measure student success,
c. Running a rigorous appraisal system for teachers in line with the improvement of career paths for teachers,
d. Zoom in additional funds from the state for sekolah-sekolah. Additional new funds
are generally used to increase teachers' salaries at that time was located at a very low level. Finally, the U.S. really make progress in education, so that when Bill Clinton became U.S. President, U.S. success in developing educational policies given special attention.
1. Politics of Education Indonesia
Political education in Indonesia is probably experiencing a shift from centralized (centralized) to decentralization. Charitable early intervention against state education sector is very large, very thick, and very vulgar. The situation peaked when the ministry of education held by Daoed Joesop. It was not one of freedom in schools and colleges. Even the dissent was not possible. Schools and colleges were like a big class to indokrinasi government ideology (not a state ideology) that do not want any open criticism. The curriculum is designed in such a way that the subjects that are politically very important. Subjects thicken Pancasila state intervention to the brain, mind and attitude of its citizens. Along with the fall of the regime 'new order' that interventif, which dropped by a total reform movement initiated by the student community and among the educated, there came an era full of passion to reduce the role and intervention of central government in dealing with policy issues, including education policy . The first inspiration came from the regions diundangkannya otonomi reformers, Law No.22 of 1999. It is said by reformers because before this it had no local autonomy but does not have the spirit of reform and only a formality, namely Law No. 5 of 1975. The new regional autonomy law that inspired the formulation of education decentralization policies. In his book entitled 'to fix the National Education', Prof.. H.A.R. Tilaar (2002), states that the policy of decentralization of education in Indonesia is not just a desire and willingness, but it is a must. After the political reform movement launched in 1998, this forward the Indonesian nation must rise up to be strong and dignified nation, which means the education sector must be placed in the position pentring and urgent. With regard to the urgency of the education sector that it must be carried out reforms in education from centralization to decentralization. There are 3 things that can explain the urgency of education decentralization in Indonesia, namely:
a. For the development of democratic society;
b. For the development of social capital; and
c. To increase the competitiveness of nations;
Selanjujtnya description of the politics of education in Indonesia can be followed by the quote 'PROPENAS diknas' which disistimatisasikan as follows: At the beginning of the XXI century, education in Indonesia is facing three major challenges. The first challenge, as a result of the economic crisis, the education required to maintain the educational development outcomes have been achieved. Second, to anticipate the global era, the education required to prepare competent human resources in order to compete in the global labor market. Third, in line with regional autonomy, have made changes and adjustments to the national education system so as to realize the educational process more democratic, considering the diversity of needs / regional circumstances and the learner, and encourage greater community participation. At this time of national education are also still faced with several issues that stand out (1) low gain equalization of education, (2) low quality and relevance of education, and (3) is still weak education management, in addition to not realize the independence and scientific excellence and technology in academic circles. Distribution of educational inequality also occurred geographical regions, namely between urban and rural areas, and between eastern Indonesia (KTI) and the western region of Indonesia (KBI), and antartingkat antargender income or population. The quality of education in Indonesia is still very alarming. This is reflected, among others, from such study reading skills for elementary school level (SD) carried out by the International Educational Achievement (IEA), which shows that primary school students in Indonesia was ranked 38th of 39 countries of study participants. As for the level of Junior Secondary School (Junior High), studies for junior secondary students' math skills in Indonesia was ranked only 39th of 42 countries, and to the ability of Natural Sciences (IPA) was ranked only 40th of 42 participating countries . Management of national education as a whole continues to be centralized so that less encouraging democratization and decentralization of education provision. The centralized management of education has caused a uniform policy which can not accommodate the diversity difference / interest areas / schools / participants-students, powering off the public participation in the educational process, and encourage waste and leakage of the education budget allocation. Meanwhile, the deployment of human resources research various kinds and levels have not in accordance with the needs and challenges faced. Also, still felt a lack of culture of critical thinking, appreciation of intellectual property (IPR) is not adequate, a lack of effective institutional system and device regulatory and scientific professional certification. These problems will addressed through implementation of various development programs which refers to the direction of education policy that has been mandated by the Guidelines from 1999 to 2004. Vision of National Education. Vision of national education is the realization of Indonesian society peaceful, democratic, have a certain character, skilled, competitive, advanced and prosperous within the Unitary State of Republic of Indonesia, supported by a healthy human being Indonesia, independent, faithful, pious, noble, loving homeland, based on and environmental law, master of science Department in, have a high work ethic and disciplined. The mission of National Education. To realize the vision of national education, youth, and sports defined mission of the targeted development of national education, youth and sport, is as follows: (1). Realising the national education system and a democratic climate and quality in order to realize a nation that noble, creative, innovative, resourceful nationality, intelligent, healthy, disciplined, responsible, skilled, and master science and technology, (2). Realize the social and cultural life of personality, dynamic, kretaif, and resilient to the effects of globalization, (3). Improving the practice of religious teachings in everyday life to realize the quality of faith and devotion to God Almighty in life, and solid fraternity among religious believers are noble, tolerant, harmonious, and peaceful, (4). Improving the quality of human resources to productive, independent, advanced, competitive, environmentally sound and sustainable in order to empower the community and the entire national economic strength, especially small businesses, medium enterprises and cooperatives.
2. Indonesia development policy direction of Education
Education in Indonesia's development policy aimed at achieving the following: (1). Promoting the expansion and equal opportunity to obtain high quality education for all Indonesian people towards the creation of high-quality human Indonesia with a significant increase in the education budget, (2). Improving the academic and professional ability and to improve staff welfare so that educators are able to function optimally, especially in improving education for character and moral authority to restore the institutions and education personnel, (3). Reform the education system including curriculum renewal, a diversified curriculum to serve the diversity of learners, curriculum applicable national and local levels in accordance with local interests, as well as diversification of types of professional education, (4). To empower educational institutions both school and outside school as a center for cultivation of values, attitudes, and skills, and improve family and community participation supported by adequate infrastructure and facilities, (5). Updating and strengthening the national education system based on the principle of decentralization, autonomy of science and management, (6). Improving the quality of educational institutions that held both by society and government to establish an education system that effectively and efficiently in dealing with the development of human resources as early as possible as directed, integrated and comprehensive through proactive and reactive efforts by all components of the nation for young people to develop optimally accompanied with the right support and protection in accordance with its potential; (8). Increase
acquisition, development and utilization of science and technology, including our own people in the world of technology businesses, especially small and medium enterprises and cooperatives in order to improve the competitiveness of the products based on local resources.
3. Education Development Program Indonesia
a. Basic and Preschool Education Program
Basic education and training programs aimed at preschool (1) expand the reach and capacity of primary schools and Government Elementary School (MI), junior and Madrasah Tsanawiyah (MTs), and preschool education institutions that reach out to children from all communities, and (2) increase equal opportunity to obtain education for disadvantaged groups, including those living in remote areas and urban slums, problematic areas, the poor, and children with disabilities, (3) improve the quality of basic education and preschool with adequate quality, and (4 ) implementation of management of basic education and preschool based on schools and the community (school / community based management). Goals to be achieved by the formation programs of basic education and preschool until the end of 2004 were (1) increase gross enrollment ratios (GER) elementary and junior-MI and MTs, (2) the realization of the organization of schools in each district that is more democratic, transparent, efficient, accountable (accountable), and encouraging community participation, and (3) establishment of school-based educational management / community (school / community based management) by introducing the concept and pioneered the establishment of the School Board in each district as well as empowering or establishment School Committee throughout elementary and junior and MI and MTs. The main activities in pursuit of equitable distribution of basic education are (1) improve educational facilities in primary and MI as well as building and improving facilities and infrastructure at the junior and MTs, including sports facilities, (2) provide education subsidies for private schools for private schools capable of conducting quality education and provide educational services that can reach the wider community, (3) implement alternative educational services, especially for the less fortunate (poor, sedentary, isolated, alienated, minorities, and in troubled areas, including street children), such as small MI Elementary School and one teacher, teacher / tutorial system, the Civil SD , SD-MI integrated, far-class, and junior open-mts, (4) implement the revitalization and integration (regrouping) of schools, especially primary schools, in order to achieve efficiency and effectiveness of schools that are supported with adequate facilities, (5) provides scholarships for student achievement and / or from families who can not afford, taking into account proportionately female learners, and (6) do equity range of preschool education through increased community participation in child care institutions, group play, and kindergarten-quality, well provide facilities, assistance, and recognition by the government. The main activities in an effort to improve the quality of basic education and preschool are (1) improve the professional skills and welfare of teachers and other education personnel in order to improve the quality, image, prestige, dignity, and dignity, (2) develop basic competency-based curriculum, in accordance with needs and potential of regional development, to increase the creativity of teachers, inclusive, and no gender bias, according to the capacity and ability of learners, supporting efforts to increase mastery basic sciences as well as faith, piety and noble personality, (3) improving the supply, use, and maintenance of education infrastructure: basic textbooks, reading materials, educational tools of Social Sciences (IPS), IPA, and mathematics, library, laboratories, and other space required, (4) improve the efficiency and effectiveness through the mapping process belajarmengajar quality of schools, the assessment process and results in a gradual and continuous learning, and development systems and educational assessment instrument that is more effective to improve control and the quality of education, and (5) improve institutional performance monitoring and accountability so that roles and responsibilities of schools, local governments, including the legislature and the public in efforts to improve the quality of education are becoming apparent. The main activities in an effort to improve the management of basic education and preschool are (1) implement decentralization in education in stages, wise and professionally, including increasing the role of the School Committee to encourage regions to implement the pilot application of the concept of the formation of the School Board, (2) develop a pattern of education based on school-based management to improve the efficiency of utilization of educational resources by observing the condition and needs of local communities, (3) increase community participation in education administration, such as diversification of resource use and funds, (4) develop an incentive system that encourages healthy competition both inter-institutional and school personnel to achieve educational goals, (5) empower personnel and institutions, among others, through training conducted by professional agencies. This empowerment program should be followed by monitoring and evaluation gradually and intensively for the performance of schools can survive in accordance with established standards of educational quality, (6) reviewing all legal products in the field of education that no longer matches with the direction and demands of education development, and ( 7) pioneered the establishment of accreditation bodies and certification to teach in the area to improve the quality of education personnel independently.
b. Secondary Education Program
Secondary education development program which includes the High School (SMU), Vocational School (SMK), and Madrasah Aliyah (MA) is intended to (1) expand the reach and capacity of high school, vocational, and MA for the whole community, and (2) enhance equal opportunity to obtain education for disadvantaged groups, including those living in remote areas and urban slums, problematic areas and the poor, and children with disabilities, (3) improve the quality of secondary education as the foundation for students to continue their education higher levels of education and workforce needs, (4) increase the efficiency of utilization of available educational resources, (5) improve equity in financing with public funds, (6) improve the effectiveness of education in accordance with local needs and conditions, (7) increase performance of personnel and educational institutions, (8) increase the participation of the community to support educational programs, and (9) to increase transparency and accountability of education. Goals to be achieved by coaching education program medium until the end of 2004 were (1) increase gross enrollment ratios (GER), SMU, SMK, and MA, (2) increasing capacity, including for graduates of junior and MTs as a result of the completion of the Compulsory Nine-Year Basic Education as many as 5.6 million students , (3) realize the organization of schools in each district that is more democratic, transparent, efficient, accountable (accountable), and encouraging community participation, and (4) establishment of school-based educational management / community (school / community based management) with introduces concepts and pioneered the establishment of the School Board in each district as well as empowering or establishment of the School Committee at each school. The main activities in pursuit of equity of secondary education are (1) to build schools with the infrastructure adequate, including sports facilities, both in urban and rural areas tailored to local needs, potensidaerah, school mapping, geographic conditions, and with regard to the existence of private schools, (2) implement alternative educational services, especially for the less fortunate are the poor, berpindahpindah , isolated, alienated, minorities, and in troubled areas, including street children, (3) to give to students who excel and / or from families who can not afford, taking into account proportionately female learners, and (4) provide subsidies to private schools , which prioritized the areas that the ability of weak economies, such as in the form of compensation, self-help and other forms of assistance. The main activities in an effort to improve the quality and relevance of secondary education are (1) improve the professional skills and welfare of teachers and other education personnel, including through the provision of accreditation and certification to teach certain areas which are periodically reviewed and evaluated, and improvement credit scoring system to increase the teacher's career; (2) develop basic competency-based curriculum in accordance with the needs and potential of regional development, to increase the creativity of teachers, inclusive, and no gender bias within the capacity of learners, and emphasizes the need to increase faith and piety, insight nationality, physical health, personality, morals, beretos work, understand their rights and obligations, and to improve the mastery of basic sciences (mathematics, science and technology, language and literature, social science, and English), (3) improve quality standards gradually for the national secondary education graduates are able to compete with graduates of secondary education in other countries, (4) implement the competency-based curriculum at vocational high schools to meet the demands of labor requirements, (5) develop scientific competitions and the like are adjusted to standard used in the world of international education, (6) to approach the business world and the world industrinuntuk cooperation with secondary schools, especially secondary vocational education in developing planning, development of learning materials, implementation of activities, and assessment of teaching programs; (7) programs to develop skills / vocational school and an MA in accordance with the local environment or the demands of the local workforce for high school graduates and the Supreme Court that do not have the opportunity to pursue higher education to compete in entering the world of work; (8) improve procurement, use, and care facilities and educational infrastructure, including books and teaching aids, libraries, and laboratories for schools, public and private schools in stages; (9) improve the efficiency and effectiveness of process mapping the quality of teaching and learning through school, learning outcomes assessment process and a gradual and sustainable development of systems and educational assessment instrument that is more effective to improve the control and the quality of education, and (10) to increase oversight and accountability of institutional performance and management of financial resources so that the role and responsibilities of schools, local government including the legislature and the public in efforts to improve the quality of education are becoming apparent. The main activities in efforts to improve management of secondary education are (1) carry out democratization and decentralization of education, among others, with the formation and increasing the role of school committees include planning, implementation, and evaluation education in schools, and encouraging the regions to implement the pilot application of the concept of the formation of the School Board, (2) develop school-based management (school based management) to increase school autonomy in the administration of education, (3) increase community participation in order to become partners of government harmony in the secondary education development (4) develop an accreditation system in a fair and equitable, for both public and private schools, (5) develop an incentive system that encourages healthy competition among agencies and school personnel to achieve educational goals, (6) empowering personnel and institutions are increased through training conducted by professional agencies. This empowerment program should be followed by monitoring and evaluation gradually and intensively for the performance of schools can survive in accordance with established standards of educational quality; (7) reviewing all legal products in the fields of education, which no longer matches with the direction and demands of education development, and (8) pioneered the establishment of accreditation bodies and certification to teach in the area to improve the quality of education personnel independently.
c. Higher Education Program
National development programs of higher education aims to (1) do the structuring of higher education, (2) improve the quality and relevance of higher education with the world of work, and (3) improve the equal opportunity to obtain higher education, especially for bright students who come from disadvantaged families . The main objective is to (1) realizing the autonomous management of four public universities - the Institut Teknologi Bandung (ITB), Bogor Agricultural University (IPB), Universitas Indonesia (UI), and University of Gadjah Mada (UGM) - and pioneered its application in several other public universities, (2) increasing the number of graduates who are absorbed in the world of work, and (3) increase the gross enrollment rate (GER). The main activities in the field of higher education system of this arrangement are (1) increased management autonomy for creativity, originality (ingenuity) and academic productivity can produce high-quality performance, which will be done by giving greater authority to the universities to manage resources owned, whether physical, financial, and human resources, including curriculum, (2). Improve cooperation mechanisms are clearly among the user community colleges and universities results about resource utilization in the process of implementation of functional and performance quality higher education (3) improve environmental quality accreditation system in higher education who conducted regularly, efficiently, and effectively, (4) prepare legislation to curb lending institutions / publisher title and academic positions, and (5) improve academic skills in conducting self-evaluation to improve the quality of the learning process, the performance of staff, and planning of university development. The main activities in the field of improving the quality and relevance are (1) tailor courses to the development needs of national development, (2) improve the quality of teachers by increasing the proportion of graduate education, (3) improve the quality of laboratory facilities and equipment, books, and scientific journals, and (4) improving curriculum in line with the demands of development needs, both at local and national level to face the global competition. The main activities in the field of research to improve the quality and relevance are (1) improve the control, development, and utilization of science and technology to improve power competitiveness of products based on local resources, (2) improve the quality of the laboratory with its equipment, (3) complete scientific information in the form of books and journals, (4) improve the quality of research skills for academic staff through further education and training, and (5) encourage cooperation antarperguruan high research and development, as well as between universities and research institutions / business community both nationally and internationally, particularly to support the development of local resources. The main activities in the field of community service to improve the quality and relevance are (1) disseminate knowledge and application of appropriate technology to benefit society, (2) increase cooperation universities to support the development of small industries, (3) held a partnership with industry to improve ability in science and technology, and (4) increase the participation of universities to support the community development process. The main activities to expand higher educational opportunities for the community are (1) increase the capacity of capacity, especially for areas that support economic progress, mastery of science and technology, and improve the quality of life, (2) encourage increased private sector role through private universities; (3) improve the provision of scholarships for students from disadvantaged families, and (4) spread geographically capacity of higher education to support regional development and provide opportunities for low-income community groups including community groups from the troubled areas, by conducting coaching college as a center of growth in the region and organize training programs in the area of the position of superior college.
d. Out of School Education Development Program
Education outside the school guidance program (PLS) is intended to provide services to people who do not or have not had time to acquire formal education to develop themselves, attitudes, knowledge and skills, personal potential, and can
develop productive enterprises in order to improve the welfare of his life. In addition, the PLS program aimed at providing basic knowledge and skills in a professional manner so that people trying to learn to be able to create jobs for themselves and their family members. Target PLS program is a resident or residents who do not study or have not had time to obtain a formal education that includes (a) residents who are still blind latin alphabet, numbers, and the Indonesian language; (b) people learn that have not completed compulsory education of 9 years; and (c) empowerment of place / studio pusat-pusat community learning activities. The main activities undertaken are (1) accelerate Illiteracy eradication through functional literacy, especially for people aged 10-44 years. TBs existing developed and improved its utilization for residents love reading books. Efforts to resolve the three blind (blind latin characters and numbers, Indonesian blind, and blind to the knowledge base) type for it to be upgraded and expanded to accommodate students who drop out of the various channels, types, and levels of education, by giving special attention to women; ( 2) increase the socialization and education coverage and quality and quantity of citizens learn Pursuit of Package A equivalent to primary school, Pursue Package B equivalent to junior high school to support the 9-year compulsory education, and develop various kinds of education outside of school-oriented and potential environmental conditions, utilizing our infrastructure and institutions that already exist in society, and (3) develop a learning model for continuing education programs oriented to increase skills and entrepreneurial abilities. The type and range of activities tailored to community needs and market demand, and aimed at improving basic knowledge and skills of self-employment as stock and the ability to work tries.
e. Synchronization and Coordination Program
The program aims to improve the synchronization and coordination of planning, implementation, control and supervision of educational programs both antarjenjang, lines and types as well as between regions. The goal is to realize the synchronization and coordination in planning, implementing, controlling, and monitoring education development programs, antarjenjang, path and type as well as between regions. The main activities undertaken are (1) conduct an academic study, formulate, and implement legislation and national education policies that support the synchronization and coordination of planning and implementation of education development antarjenjang, path and type as well as between regions, (2) develop and implement institutional systems that support synchronization and coordination of planning, implementation, control, and monitoring education development antar jenjang, path and type as well as between regions, (3) conduct an assessment / measurement of success of national pembangunannpendidikan; (4) standardize the education facilities and infrastructure to support quality teaching and learning process, (5) develop and implement information systems and data collection for all paths, types, and levels, and regions; (6) advocacy and dissemination of national education policy, and (7) conduct cooperation in education with a variety of institutions both at home and abroad.
f. Research and Development Program
This program aims to (1) improve the quality of the research, (2) improve the quality of researchers, (3) increase the competence of research institutions and development (R & D) public in line with the needs of the business world and society, as well as accelerating the development of science and technology; and (4) establish a conducive environment for the formation of R & D resources. Goals to be achieved is utilizing science and technology in accordance with religious values and noble culture of the nation to solve various problems of development. The main activities undertaken are (1) fostering creativity research program development, (2) develop research and seed development, (3) take advantage of R & D results in improving the quality of public service, (4) develop networks of research cooperation, including with international research institutions to develop competitive products, (5) develop and strengthen pre-eminent centers at various universities and research institutions, (6) develop social studies culture as an input to government policy; (7) protect intellectual property rights and product R & D in decentralization for more income can be used by individuals and institutions inventor; (8) foster scientific professional organization to conduct certification and professional accreditation in accordance with international standards; (9) empowers scientific institutions and the public in scientific innovation awards, and (10) to develop science and technology institutions in the region, both in terms of programs and institutions, in accordance with the needs and potential of local resources.
g. Self Improvement Program and Science and Technology Excellence This program aims to enhance the service capabilities of technology R & D institutions, Metrology, Standardization, Testing and Quality (MSTQ), who emphasized to support the competitiveness of the business community and encourage the implementation of R & D in and by the business. asaran to be achieved is the increasing independence of technology services and benefits of technological innovation for our nation to improve the competitiveness of business and society. The main activities undertaken are (1) develop a research agenda for science and technology R & D institutions with users, (2) organize the system of institutional, legal, fiscal, and financial support to facilitate the distribution of benefits of science and technology, for business, (3) prepare legislation to provide flexibility in managing R & D institutions receiving research funding and technology services; (4) develop a climate of research and evaluation of performance through an open selection mechanism, (5) develop MSTQ system through enhanced quality standards of scientific and technological output, (6) develop technical assistance to small and medium enterprises, cooperatives, and traditional self-employment, and (7) expand research partnerships, including simplifying the process of partnership, to enhance the effectiveness of and choose almost in touch with the business world.
4. Education Management In Indonesia Administration and management (bureaucracy) education in Indonesia is no different with the administration and management of other sectors which form the department. Nationally, the education sector issues are handled by an agency berbentukdepartemen, which amended several times and changes last name be named MINISTRY OF NATIONAL EDUCATION. The department is headed by a minister who is appointed directly by the president. To this day, its organizational structure is as follows: Ministry of National Education, Indonesia
At regional (provincial), coordination of educational affairs are handled by an entity that is named PROVINCE DEPARTMENT OF EDUCATION, led by a chief. Head of Provincial Departments of Education appointed by the governor with the approval of provincial council seats. While at the local level District, coordinating educational affairs are handled by an institution that is named DEPARTMENT OF EDUCATION DISTRICTS. Same with Office in the province, the Office is headed by a chief. The difference is, heads of agencies at the district level are appointed by the Regent / Mayor with the approval of Parliament District / Municipality concerned. In line with government's decentralization policy, the education sector is also experiencing a change from centralized to decentralized policy. As we know that the purpose of issuance of the Law on Regional Government and the regional autonomy is to give broad authority, real, and responsible to the Region and the communities that provide opportunities to regions and communities to freely organize and carry out its authority initiated by sendin in accordance with the interests of local communities and potential each region. Implementation of education requires adequate public support. Sebagat alternative steps in seeking public support for this education sector is to grow high quality alignments, starting from the head of state, to the lowest officials. including people who engaged in the private sector and industry. Concrete alignments that need to be channeled into a movement politically together (collective action) is put in the Board of Education based on district and school committees at the education unit. Board of Education and School Committee is a body which is independent, has no hierarchical relationship with education units and other government agencies. Outstanding Board of Education, the School Committee, education units, and other government agencies refer to the respective authority under the provisions of the applicable purpose of the Board of Education and School Committee are as follows:
a. Embody and convey the aspirations and community initiatives in education policies and programs dikabupaten / cities (For Pendidakan Council) and in the education unit (For Kornite School).
b.Improving responsibility and active participation from all walks of life in the administration of education.
c. Creating an atmosphere and conditions of transparent, accountable and democratic dalarn organizing and quality education services at the district / city and education units. Role of the Board of Education is run as a giver of consideration in the determination and implementation of education policy. The agency also acts as both a tangible financial support, thoughts and energy in organizing education. In addition, the Board of Education also acts as a controller in the context of transparency and accountability in the implementation and outcomes of education, as well as a mediator between the government (executive) and the Regional Representatives Council (Legislative) with the community. On the other hand run the School Committee's role is as a giver of consideration in the determination and implementation of education policies in the education unit. The agency also acts as both a tangible financial support, thoughts and energy in the administration of education in the unit education. In addition, the School Committee also acts as a controller in the context of transparency and accountability in the implementation and outcomes of education, the educational unit, as well as a mediator between the government (executive) with the community education unit. To perform its role, the Board of Education and School Kornite has a function to encourage the growth of attention and commitment to the implementation of quality education. The agency is also working with the community, both individuals and organizations, business and industry, government, and parliament is pleased with the implementation of quality education. Another function is to collect and analyze the aspirations, views, claims, and various educational needs raised by the community. In addition, the functions of the Board of Education and the School Committee is to provide input, consideration and recommendation to the Governments of the region / DPPD and the education units regarding policies and educational programs; regional performance criteria in field education; criteria tanaga education, especially teacher / tutor and the head unit education; criteria for educational facilities, and other matters related to pendidikan.Terakhir functions of the Board of Education and the School Committee is to encourage parents and masyarakatberpartisipasi in community education and raise funds in order to finance the education in the educational unit. Members of the Board Pendidikanterdin upper part of the community and can be added with the element of bureaucratic / legislative. The element of society can come from non-governmental organizations (NGOs) in education; community leaders (Ulama, cultural, traditional leaders, etc.); members of the public who have attention on improving the quality of education or who become figures in the region: the leaders and education experts who have attention on improving the quality of education; foundation education providers (schools, outside of schools, boarding schools); the business / industry / professional associations (industrial employers, services, associations, and others); professional organization of education personnel (PGRI, ISPI, and etc.), and representatives from the School Committee agreed. Bureaucracy. example of the service element and local education and legislative elements in charge of education, can diiibatkan as a member of the Board of Education up to 4-5. The number of members of the Board of Education at the most were 17 (seventeen) people and the numbers must be odd the requirements, rights and obligations, and membership of the Board of Education service period specified in the bylaws. Phak On the other School Committee members come from the elements that exist in society. Besides, the element of teachers' councils, foundations / institutions of education providers, the Village Board Consideration may also be involved as a member. School Committee members from the community may come from representatives of parents / guardians of students based on grade level which is democratically elected, community leaders (the RT / RW / RK. Head of the hamlet, scholars, cultural, traditional leaders), members of the community attention would have made a figure and, having attention to improving the quality of education; local government officials (Head Village, Police, Koramil, Department of Labour, Chamber of Commerce, and other institutions); the business / industry (employers' industry, services, associations, and other etc.); education experts who have the attention on improving the quality of education, professional organization of education personnel (PGRI, ISPI, and others); representative for junior secondary students / SMU / SMK's democratically elected government based on grade level, and representatives of the alumni forum Elementary / junior high school / vocational school which has grown den independent. School Committee members who represent the board of teachers, foundations of education institutions, sebanyakbanyaknya Village Advisory Board of three persons. Number of School Committee members at least 9 (nine) and the number should be odd. The terms, rights and obligations, and School Committee membership period specified in the bylaws. Governing Board of Education and School Kornite set according to the bylaws which at least comprises the base of a chairman, secretary, treasurer. If considered necessary, management can be equipped with specific areas as needed. Moreover, it can also appointed a special officer in charge of administration. Governing board elected from and by members of a democratic manner. Special Board of Education chairman positions does not come from elements of regional government and parliament and chairman of the School Committee did not come from the head of education unit. The terms, rights and obligations, and term of office management of the Board of Education and School Committee specified in the bylaws Establishment of the Board of Education School Committee must den conducted in a transparent, accountable and democratic. Be transparent is that Kornite Schools should be established in an open and widely known by the public beginning from the preparatory committee formation, the process of socialization by the preparatory committee, criteria for prospective members, candidate members of the selection process, the announcement of candidates, the election process, and delivery of election results done in an accountable is that the preparatory committee hendaknva submit accountability reports and the use of fund performance committees. Conducted in a democratic election process is that the board dlan annggota done with consensus agreement. If deemed necessary occasion of members and can be done by voting. Establishment of the Board of Education and School Kornite preparation begins with the formation of the committee that was formed, by the head of education unit and / or by the public. Preparatory committee amounted to at least 5 (five) members composed of education professionals (like teachers, principals, education units, education providers, education observers (NGOs concerned about education, community leaders, religious leaders, business and industry), and parents learners.
5. Financing Education in Indonesia
When compared with the U.S., sources of funding education in Indonesia comes from several sources budget. That comes from the state budget, provincial budget, and budgets District. Sources of funding from general state budget is allocated to all educational activities, ranging from basic, intermediate, to university. The source of this budget is also reserved for the implementation of national education. While the source of funding coming from provincial budget, most commonly reserved for primary and secondary level education. Only a small portion allocated to support activities at higher education level. Source of funds from the provincial budget is allocated to existing education penuyelenggaraan region of the province. The source of funding from Budget District entirely to support the education in the region. This is consistent with the spirit of decentralization. Since implementation of education decentralization policy, budget allocation for education, both in the State Budget and Budgets Province and Regency / Municipality, has increased significantly. This is because according to the mandate of the Act, the education budget should be continued effort to reach at least the number increased up to 20% of the total state budget expenditure budgetor the budget.
Surabaya, October 2005
Ulul Albab, Drs., MS
1. Politics of U.S. Education
In general, educational policies taken in one country tend to be used as tools of state intervention to its citizens. Forms of intervention could be justified (abash or recognized / absence) of certain knowledge, institutional arrangements schools, long education and degrees, as well as educational qualifications is associated with the job position (jabqatan). Among the school education level (ranging from Elementary to University level) that exist, mostly country prefers to concentrate his power to intervene in school education that is destined for children, adolescents and youth. Almost no country is big enough to pay attention to education for adults. The question is: Why does the state prefer to focus its attention to the education of children (young), compared with adult education?. Heidenheimer (1990: 23) illustrates the answer as follows: Whereas some countries have chosen to concentrate its intervention in the education of children and adolescents is due to the reason because the state has a responsibility to create cadres of the nation. Having a reason that the school is quite interesting to master, which in it there is a generation that is very easy to influence. There is also partly justified because the country voting for political elections in the future need socialization process, and it is suitable for children through schools. Meanwhile, education is a basic requirement that must be met. Therefore, parents enter their children in droves in various educational institutions, especially formal education institutions are organized or accredited by the state. Intervention and state intervention in the formal school education seems often overlooked by parents. Because of that we need a monitoring mechanism carried out by adults (people) local to the organization of formal education schools for intervention (policy) in the state education sector was significantly positive for the next generation of more reliable, as well as to reduce the chances of a possible deviation intervention activities conducted in that country. In democratic countries, the awareness to control and limit government intervention in the education sector is characterized with the chosen principle of decentralization in decision-making (regulation) education sector. United States is one of the pioneers of democracy. It has long been the policy of education in the United States is the responsibility of the State Government (State) and Local Government (District). Previously, the central government did intervene in education policy, as has occurred since 1872, when U.S. central government intervened education policy by providing state lands to the State for development of the faculties of agriculture and engineering; assist schools with lunch programs, providing education for Indians; provide education funds for the veterans who returned to campus to pursue further education; provide loans for students, provide a budget for the purposes of research, exchange of foreign students and other student aid needs, and provide indirect assistance (because of according to the provisions of the Act prohibited the U.S. government provides direct assistance) to religious schools in the form of text books and laboratories. But since the administration of President Ronald Reagan, the U.S. central government intervention to education began to be reduced. Furthermore, responsibility and education policy initiatives submitted to the State (provincial level) and Local Government / District (at district / city). In the United States contains 50 15 358 State and District. So as much as it is an institution that is empowered and autonomy to manage education.
2. U.S. Educational Objectives
As described above, the main characteristic of the United States political system, education is the prominence DECENTRALIZATION. The Central Government is giving broad autonomy to the Government under it, namely State and Local Government (District). Although the United States does not have a centralized educational system or the national character, but that does not mean there is no formulation of educational goals that apply nationally. The purpose of American education systems are generally formulated in 5 points as follows:
a-In order to achieve unity in diversity;
b-To develop and practice the ideals of democracy;
c-To assist the development of the individual;
d-To improve the social conditions of society; and
e-In order to accelerate national progress.
Outside the 5 end, the United States to develop a vision and mission of free education for school-age children for a period of 12 years of early education, and relatively cheap tuition fees for higher education.
3. U.S. Education Management
By developing patterns of decentralization, the management of education in the United States is managed according to the aspirations and needs masrakat State and Local Government. At the national level (the federal) formed one department, namely FEDERAL DEPARTMENT OF EDUCATION. The department is headed by a commensurate Cabinet Secretary. The task of this department is to implement all the policies of the federal government in education sector at all levels of government and to all levels of education. However, because most of the authority and responsibility education has been submitted to the State and Local Government, the Federal Ministry of Education only run the monitoring and supervision only. At the State level set up an entity that is named BOARD of EDUCATION. The agency is in charge and serves to make the policies and determining budget education for each region (State of) it, especially with regard to Basic Education and Education Menengah.Selanjutnya, to address issues related to things that are more technical (ie: about the school curriculum, determining the requirements for certification, teachers, and school funding) formed a part of education is referred to as COMISSIONER, often also referred to as the Superintendent. This section is headed by a person appointed by the Board of Education or by the Governor. For the several States, the head of the Education Section was selected by masyarakat ada. Meanwhile, at the operational level, implementation of education management is run by units lower, even more directly implemented by each school. The leader or school principal in principle have the freedom and autonomy to run the operational management of education. Specifically to handle the higher education policy, education management developed by the United States that the States which separates between the Board authorize the establishment of universities High (State and Private) with the Agency to formulate academic policies and finances. Agency which handles academic and financial policies for Higher Education is the Board of Trustees. For State Universities member is ditunujuk by the Governor of the State. There also are elected from and by the group that will be represented. As for Private Colleges limbs were selected from their respective universities.
4. U.S. Education Funding
Sources of funding education in America, particularly elementary and secondary education, better known as the Public Schools, came from Central Government Budget (Federal), State Government Budget and the Local Government Budget.
5. U.S. Education Issues
According to the results of a comparative study conducted by Agustiar Shah Nur (2001), there are several issues and educational problems experienced by the United States government and society, among others:
a. Number of school-age children are not raised directly by their parents, because of the dynamics of social change in American society are generally either the mother or the father has a very high activity outside the home. This will be a serious problem for the social development of children in terms of psychological and emotional.
b. The high divorce rate, which resulted in many school-age children who only cared for by his mother as a single-parent in the household. Not a few in the U.S. cerei widow who was forced to berporfesi lowly and coarse. This also affects the social development of their children.
c. The high levels of immigration are generally drawn from the incapable and uneducated, which therefore many of them do not get a decent job. This causes problems of education of children from immigrant families can not be resolved. Plus the language of the immigrant factor that makes it difficult for immigrant children themselves if they have access to education.
d. Of the various monitoring and evaluation of education undertaken by various official bodies the U.S. alone, it turns out the quality of education and graduate schools in the U.S. is still less than with other countries in the international standard. Many children who drop-outs, and the height of violence by children.
6. U.S. Education Reform
Because of various problems, the U.S. government in 1990 launched the education reform. In that year U.S. President George H. B. Bush and all State Governor (then Bill Clinton included one State Governor) agree with the education reforms announced six national education goals of the new U.S.. Namely:
a. In 2000, all children in the U.S. at the time began to enter elementary school ready to learn.
b. In 2000, high school graduates rose sekurangkurangnya 90%.
c. In 2000, students in the U.S. who completed his education at the "grade 4, 8 and 12" were able to show his ability in challenging subjects, namely English, mathematics, science, history, and geography. Every school in the U.S. must be able to demonstrate that children can use his mind well, so they are ready to become good citizens, ready to enter higher education, and also ready to work productively in a modern economy.
d. In 2000, U.S. students are the best in the world in science and mathematics.
e. In 2000, all U.S. adults can read and write, has the knowledge and skills necessary to compete in the global economy, and may exercise the rights and responsibilities as citizens.
e. In 2000, every school in the United States must be free from drugs and violence, as well as to create a stable atmosphere and safe environment so conducive to
learning. Principles of the reform was intended as a guidance in making educational policies must be implemented and the results are already visible in 2000. And that's exactly what happened in the U.S.. Principles of educational reform was eventually followed up with a variety of creative educational policy at the state and government derah. Education reform movement among the governor was pioneered by Bill Clinton and Governor Lamar Alexander in their respective states. Breakthrough is the following:
a. Increasing the requirements for completing an education level,
b. Carry out standard tests to measure student success,
c. Running a rigorous appraisal system for teachers in line with the improvement of career paths for teachers,
d. Zoom in additional funds from the state for sekolah-sekolah. Additional new funds
are generally used to increase teachers' salaries at that time was located at a very low level. Finally, the U.S. really make progress in education, so that when Bill Clinton became U.S. President, U.S. success in developing educational policies given special attention.
1. Politics of Education Indonesia
Political education in Indonesia is probably experiencing a shift from centralized (centralized) to decentralization. Charitable early intervention against state education sector is very large, very thick, and very vulgar. The situation peaked when the ministry of education held by Daoed Joesop. It was not one of freedom in schools and colleges. Even the dissent was not possible. Schools and colleges were like a big class to indokrinasi government ideology (not a state ideology) that do not want any open criticism. The curriculum is designed in such a way that the subjects that are politically very important. Subjects thicken Pancasila state intervention to the brain, mind and attitude of its citizens. Along with the fall of the regime 'new order' that interventif, which dropped by a total reform movement initiated by the student community and among the educated, there came an era full of passion to reduce the role and intervention of central government in dealing with policy issues, including education policy . The first inspiration came from the regions diundangkannya otonomi reformers, Law No.22 of 1999. It is said by reformers because before this it had no local autonomy but does not have the spirit of reform and only a formality, namely Law No. 5 of 1975. The new regional autonomy law that inspired the formulation of education decentralization policies. In his book entitled 'to fix the National Education', Prof.. H.A.R. Tilaar (2002), states that the policy of decentralization of education in Indonesia is not just a desire and willingness, but it is a must. After the political reform movement launched in 1998, this forward the Indonesian nation must rise up to be strong and dignified nation, which means the education sector must be placed in the position pentring and urgent. With regard to the urgency of the education sector that it must be carried out reforms in education from centralization to decentralization. There are 3 things that can explain the urgency of education decentralization in Indonesia, namely:
a. For the development of democratic society;
b. For the development of social capital; and
c. To increase the competitiveness of nations;
Selanjujtnya description of the politics of education in Indonesia can be followed by the quote 'PROPENAS diknas' which disistimatisasikan as follows: At the beginning of the XXI century, education in Indonesia is facing three major challenges. The first challenge, as a result of the economic crisis, the education required to maintain the educational development outcomes have been achieved. Second, to anticipate the global era, the education required to prepare competent human resources in order to compete in the global labor market. Third, in line with regional autonomy, have made changes and adjustments to the national education system so as to realize the educational process more democratic, considering the diversity of needs / regional circumstances and the learner, and encourage greater community participation. At this time of national education are also still faced with several issues that stand out (1) low gain equalization of education, (2) low quality and relevance of education, and (3) is still weak education management, in addition to not realize the independence and scientific excellence and technology in academic circles. Distribution of educational inequality also occurred geographical regions, namely between urban and rural areas, and between eastern Indonesia (KTI) and the western region of Indonesia (KBI), and antartingkat antargender income or population. The quality of education in Indonesia is still very alarming. This is reflected, among others, from such study reading skills for elementary school level (SD) carried out by the International Educational Achievement (IEA), which shows that primary school students in Indonesia was ranked 38th of 39 countries of study participants. As for the level of Junior Secondary School (Junior High), studies for junior secondary students' math skills in Indonesia was ranked only 39th of 42 countries, and to the ability of Natural Sciences (IPA) was ranked only 40th of 42 participating countries . Management of national education as a whole continues to be centralized so that less encouraging democratization and decentralization of education provision. The centralized management of education has caused a uniform policy which can not accommodate the diversity difference / interest areas / schools / participants-students, powering off the public participation in the educational process, and encourage waste and leakage of the education budget allocation. Meanwhile, the deployment of human resources research various kinds and levels have not in accordance with the needs and challenges faced. Also, still felt a lack of culture of critical thinking, appreciation of intellectual property (IPR) is not adequate, a lack of effective institutional system and device regulatory and scientific professional certification. These problems will addressed through implementation of various development programs which refers to the direction of education policy that has been mandated by the Guidelines from 1999 to 2004. Vision of National Education. Vision of national education is the realization of Indonesian society peaceful, democratic, have a certain character, skilled, competitive, advanced and prosperous within the Unitary State of Republic of Indonesia, supported by a healthy human being Indonesia, independent, faithful, pious, noble, loving homeland, based on and environmental law, master of science Department in, have a high work ethic and disciplined. The mission of National Education. To realize the vision of national education, youth, and sports defined mission of the targeted development of national education, youth and sport, is as follows: (1). Realising the national education system and a democratic climate and quality in order to realize a nation that noble, creative, innovative, resourceful nationality, intelligent, healthy, disciplined, responsible, skilled, and master science and technology, (2). Realize the social and cultural life of personality, dynamic, kretaif, and resilient to the effects of globalization, (3). Improving the practice of religious teachings in everyday life to realize the quality of faith and devotion to God Almighty in life, and solid fraternity among religious believers are noble, tolerant, harmonious, and peaceful, (4). Improving the quality of human resources to productive, independent, advanced, competitive, environmentally sound and sustainable in order to empower the community and the entire national economic strength, especially small businesses, medium enterprises and cooperatives.
2. Indonesia development policy direction of Education
Education in Indonesia's development policy aimed at achieving the following: (1). Promoting the expansion and equal opportunity to obtain high quality education for all Indonesian people towards the creation of high-quality human Indonesia with a significant increase in the education budget, (2). Improving the academic and professional ability and to improve staff welfare so that educators are able to function optimally, especially in improving education for character and moral authority to restore the institutions and education personnel, (3). Reform the education system including curriculum renewal, a diversified curriculum to serve the diversity of learners, curriculum applicable national and local levels in accordance with local interests, as well as diversification of types of professional education, (4). To empower educational institutions both school and outside school as a center for cultivation of values, attitudes, and skills, and improve family and community participation supported by adequate infrastructure and facilities, (5). Updating and strengthening the national education system based on the principle of decentralization, autonomy of science and management, (6). Improving the quality of educational institutions that held both by society and government to establish an education system that effectively and efficiently in dealing with the development of human resources as early as possible as directed, integrated and comprehensive through proactive and reactive efforts by all components of the nation for young people to develop optimally accompanied with the right support and protection in accordance with its potential; (8). Increase
acquisition, development and utilization of science and technology, including our own people in the world of technology businesses, especially small and medium enterprises and cooperatives in order to improve the competitiveness of the products based on local resources.
3. Education Development Program Indonesia
a. Basic and Preschool Education Program
Basic education and training programs aimed at preschool (1) expand the reach and capacity of primary schools and Government Elementary School (MI), junior and Madrasah Tsanawiyah (MTs), and preschool education institutions that reach out to children from all communities, and (2) increase equal opportunity to obtain education for disadvantaged groups, including those living in remote areas and urban slums, problematic areas, the poor, and children with disabilities, (3) improve the quality of basic education and preschool with adequate quality, and (4 ) implementation of management of basic education and preschool based on schools and the community (school / community based management). Goals to be achieved by the formation programs of basic education and preschool until the end of 2004 were (1) increase gross enrollment ratios (GER) elementary and junior-MI and MTs, (2) the realization of the organization of schools in each district that is more democratic, transparent, efficient, accountable (accountable), and encouraging community participation, and (3) establishment of school-based educational management / community (school / community based management) by introducing the concept and pioneered the establishment of the School Board in each district as well as empowering or establishment School Committee throughout elementary and junior and MI and MTs. The main activities in pursuit of equitable distribution of basic education are (1) improve educational facilities in primary and MI as well as building and improving facilities and infrastructure at the junior and MTs, including sports facilities, (2) provide education subsidies for private schools for private schools capable of conducting quality education and provide educational services that can reach the wider community, (3) implement alternative educational services, especially for the less fortunate (poor, sedentary, isolated, alienated, minorities, and in troubled areas, including street children), such as small MI Elementary School and one teacher, teacher / tutorial system, the Civil SD , SD-MI integrated, far-class, and junior open-mts, (4) implement the revitalization and integration (regrouping) of schools, especially primary schools, in order to achieve efficiency and effectiveness of schools that are supported with adequate facilities, (5) provides scholarships for student achievement and / or from families who can not afford, taking into account proportionately female learners, and (6) do equity range of preschool education through increased community participation in child care institutions, group play, and kindergarten-quality, well provide facilities, assistance, and recognition by the government. The main activities in an effort to improve the quality of basic education and preschool are (1) improve the professional skills and welfare of teachers and other education personnel in order to improve the quality, image, prestige, dignity, and dignity, (2) develop basic competency-based curriculum, in accordance with needs and potential of regional development, to increase the creativity of teachers, inclusive, and no gender bias, according to the capacity and ability of learners, supporting efforts to increase mastery basic sciences as well as faith, piety and noble personality, (3) improving the supply, use, and maintenance of education infrastructure: basic textbooks, reading materials, educational tools of Social Sciences (IPS), IPA, and mathematics, library, laboratories, and other space required, (4) improve the efficiency and effectiveness through the mapping process belajarmengajar quality of schools, the assessment process and results in a gradual and continuous learning, and development systems and educational assessment instrument that is more effective to improve control and the quality of education, and (5) improve institutional performance monitoring and accountability so that roles and responsibilities of schools, local governments, including the legislature and the public in efforts to improve the quality of education are becoming apparent. The main activities in an effort to improve the management of basic education and preschool are (1) implement decentralization in education in stages, wise and professionally, including increasing the role of the School Committee to encourage regions to implement the pilot application of the concept of the formation of the School Board, (2) develop a pattern of education based on school-based management to improve the efficiency of utilization of educational resources by observing the condition and needs of local communities, (3) increase community participation in education administration, such as diversification of resource use and funds, (4) develop an incentive system that encourages healthy competition both inter-institutional and school personnel to achieve educational goals, (5) empower personnel and institutions, among others, through training conducted by professional agencies. This empowerment program should be followed by monitoring and evaluation gradually and intensively for the performance of schools can survive in accordance with established standards of educational quality, (6) reviewing all legal products in the field of education that no longer matches with the direction and demands of education development, and ( 7) pioneered the establishment of accreditation bodies and certification to teach in the area to improve the quality of education personnel independently.
b. Secondary Education Program
Secondary education development program which includes the High School (SMU), Vocational School (SMK), and Madrasah Aliyah (MA) is intended to (1) expand the reach and capacity of high school, vocational, and MA for the whole community, and (2) enhance equal opportunity to obtain education for disadvantaged groups, including those living in remote areas and urban slums, problematic areas and the poor, and children with disabilities, (3) improve the quality of secondary education as the foundation for students to continue their education higher levels of education and workforce needs, (4) increase the efficiency of utilization of available educational resources, (5) improve equity in financing with public funds, (6) improve the effectiveness of education in accordance with local needs and conditions, (7) increase performance of personnel and educational institutions, (8) increase the participation of the community to support educational programs, and (9) to increase transparency and accountability of education. Goals to be achieved by coaching education program medium until the end of 2004 were (1) increase gross enrollment ratios (GER), SMU, SMK, and MA, (2) increasing capacity, including for graduates of junior and MTs as a result of the completion of the Compulsory Nine-Year Basic Education as many as 5.6 million students , (3) realize the organization of schools in each district that is more democratic, transparent, efficient, accountable (accountable), and encouraging community participation, and (4) establishment of school-based educational management / community (school / community based management) with introduces concepts and pioneered the establishment of the School Board in each district as well as empowering or establishment of the School Committee at each school. The main activities in pursuit of equity of secondary education are (1) to build schools with the infrastructure adequate, including sports facilities, both in urban and rural areas tailored to local needs, potensidaerah, school mapping, geographic conditions, and with regard to the existence of private schools, (2) implement alternative educational services, especially for the less fortunate are the poor, berpindahpindah , isolated, alienated, minorities, and in troubled areas, including street children, (3) to give to students who excel and / or from families who can not afford, taking into account proportionately female learners, and (4) provide subsidies to private schools , which prioritized the areas that the ability of weak economies, such as in the form of compensation, self-help and other forms of assistance. The main activities in an effort to improve the quality and relevance of secondary education are (1) improve the professional skills and welfare of teachers and other education personnel, including through the provision of accreditation and certification to teach certain areas which are periodically reviewed and evaluated, and improvement credit scoring system to increase the teacher's career; (2) develop basic competency-based curriculum in accordance with the needs and potential of regional development, to increase the creativity of teachers, inclusive, and no gender bias within the capacity of learners, and emphasizes the need to increase faith and piety, insight nationality, physical health, personality, morals, beretos work, understand their rights and obligations, and to improve the mastery of basic sciences (mathematics, science and technology, language and literature, social science, and English), (3) improve quality standards gradually for the national secondary education graduates are able to compete with graduates of secondary education in other countries, (4) implement the competency-based curriculum at vocational high schools to meet the demands of labor requirements, (5) develop scientific competitions and the like are adjusted to standard used in the world of international education, (6) to approach the business world and the world industrinuntuk cooperation with secondary schools, especially secondary vocational education in developing planning, development of learning materials, implementation of activities, and assessment of teaching programs; (7) programs to develop skills / vocational school and an MA in accordance with the local environment or the demands of the local workforce for high school graduates and the Supreme Court that do not have the opportunity to pursue higher education to compete in entering the world of work; (8) improve procurement, use, and care facilities and educational infrastructure, including books and teaching aids, libraries, and laboratories for schools, public and private schools in stages; (9) improve the efficiency and effectiveness of process mapping the quality of teaching and learning through school, learning outcomes assessment process and a gradual and sustainable development of systems and educational assessment instrument that is more effective to improve the control and the quality of education, and (10) to increase oversight and accountability of institutional performance and management of financial resources so that the role and responsibilities of schools, local government including the legislature and the public in efforts to improve the quality of education are becoming apparent. The main activities in efforts to improve management of secondary education are (1) carry out democratization and decentralization of education, among others, with the formation and increasing the role of school committees include planning, implementation, and evaluation education in schools, and encouraging the regions to implement the pilot application of the concept of the formation of the School Board, (2) develop school-based management (school based management) to increase school autonomy in the administration of education, (3) increase community participation in order to become partners of government harmony in the secondary education development (4) develop an accreditation system in a fair and equitable, for both public and private schools, (5) develop an incentive system that encourages healthy competition among agencies and school personnel to achieve educational goals, (6) empowering personnel and institutions are increased through training conducted by professional agencies. This empowerment program should be followed by monitoring and evaluation gradually and intensively for the performance of schools can survive in accordance with established standards of educational quality; (7) reviewing all legal products in the fields of education, which no longer matches with the direction and demands of education development, and (8) pioneered the establishment of accreditation bodies and certification to teach in the area to improve the quality of education personnel independently.
c. Higher Education Program
National development programs of higher education aims to (1) do the structuring of higher education, (2) improve the quality and relevance of higher education with the world of work, and (3) improve the equal opportunity to obtain higher education, especially for bright students who come from disadvantaged families . The main objective is to (1) realizing the autonomous management of four public universities - the Institut Teknologi Bandung (ITB), Bogor Agricultural University (IPB), Universitas Indonesia (UI), and University of Gadjah Mada (UGM) - and pioneered its application in several other public universities, (2) increasing the number of graduates who are absorbed in the world of work, and (3) increase the gross enrollment rate (GER). The main activities in the field of higher education system of this arrangement are (1) increased management autonomy for creativity, originality (ingenuity) and academic productivity can produce high-quality performance, which will be done by giving greater authority to the universities to manage resources owned, whether physical, financial, and human resources, including curriculum, (2). Improve cooperation mechanisms are clearly among the user community colleges and universities results about resource utilization in the process of implementation of functional and performance quality higher education (3) improve environmental quality accreditation system in higher education who conducted regularly, efficiently, and effectively, (4) prepare legislation to curb lending institutions / publisher title and academic positions, and (5) improve academic skills in conducting self-evaluation to improve the quality of the learning process, the performance of staff, and planning of university development. The main activities in the field of improving the quality and relevance are (1) tailor courses to the development needs of national development, (2) improve the quality of teachers by increasing the proportion of graduate education, (3) improve the quality of laboratory facilities and equipment, books, and scientific journals, and (4) improving curriculum in line with the demands of development needs, both at local and national level to face the global competition. The main activities in the field of research to improve the quality and relevance are (1) improve the control, development, and utilization of science and technology to improve power competitiveness of products based on local resources, (2) improve the quality of the laboratory with its equipment, (3) complete scientific information in the form of books and journals, (4) improve the quality of research skills for academic staff through further education and training, and (5) encourage cooperation antarperguruan high research and development, as well as between universities and research institutions / business community both nationally and internationally, particularly to support the development of local resources. The main activities in the field of community service to improve the quality and relevance are (1) disseminate knowledge and application of appropriate technology to benefit society, (2) increase cooperation universities to support the development of small industries, (3) held a partnership with industry to improve ability in science and technology, and (4) increase the participation of universities to support the community development process. The main activities to expand higher educational opportunities for the community are (1) increase the capacity of capacity, especially for areas that support economic progress, mastery of science and technology, and improve the quality of life, (2) encourage increased private sector role through private universities; (3) improve the provision of scholarships for students from disadvantaged families, and (4) spread geographically capacity of higher education to support regional development and provide opportunities for low-income community groups including community groups from the troubled areas, by conducting coaching college as a center of growth in the region and organize training programs in the area of the position of superior college.
d. Out of School Education Development Program
Education outside the school guidance program (PLS) is intended to provide services to people who do not or have not had time to acquire formal education to develop themselves, attitudes, knowledge and skills, personal potential, and can
develop productive enterprises in order to improve the welfare of his life. In addition, the PLS program aimed at providing basic knowledge and skills in a professional manner so that people trying to learn to be able to create jobs for themselves and their family members. Target PLS program is a resident or residents who do not study or have not had time to obtain a formal education that includes (a) residents who are still blind latin alphabet, numbers, and the Indonesian language; (b) people learn that have not completed compulsory education of 9 years; and (c) empowerment of place / studio pusat-pusat community learning activities. The main activities undertaken are (1) accelerate Illiteracy eradication through functional literacy, especially for people aged 10-44 years. TBs existing developed and improved its utilization for residents love reading books. Efforts to resolve the three blind (blind latin characters and numbers, Indonesian blind, and blind to the knowledge base) type for it to be upgraded and expanded to accommodate students who drop out of the various channels, types, and levels of education, by giving special attention to women; ( 2) increase the socialization and education coverage and quality and quantity of citizens learn Pursuit of Package A equivalent to primary school, Pursue Package B equivalent to junior high school to support the 9-year compulsory education, and develop various kinds of education outside of school-oriented and potential environmental conditions, utilizing our infrastructure and institutions that already exist in society, and (3) develop a learning model for continuing education programs oriented to increase skills and entrepreneurial abilities. The type and range of activities tailored to community needs and market demand, and aimed at improving basic knowledge and skills of self-employment as stock and the ability to work tries.
e. Synchronization and Coordination Program
The program aims to improve the synchronization and coordination of planning, implementation, control and supervision of educational programs both antarjenjang, lines and types as well as between regions. The goal is to realize the synchronization and coordination in planning, implementing, controlling, and monitoring education development programs, antarjenjang, path and type as well as between regions. The main activities undertaken are (1) conduct an academic study, formulate, and implement legislation and national education policies that support the synchronization and coordination of planning and implementation of education development antarjenjang, path and type as well as between regions, (2) develop and implement institutional systems that support synchronization and coordination of planning, implementation, control, and monitoring education development antar jenjang, path and type as well as between regions, (3) conduct an assessment / measurement of success of national pembangunannpendidikan; (4) standardize the education facilities and infrastructure to support quality teaching and learning process, (5) develop and implement information systems and data collection for all paths, types, and levels, and regions; (6) advocacy and dissemination of national education policy, and (7) conduct cooperation in education with a variety of institutions both at home and abroad.
f. Research and Development Program
This program aims to (1) improve the quality of the research, (2) improve the quality of researchers, (3) increase the competence of research institutions and development (R & D) public in line with the needs of the business world and society, as well as accelerating the development of science and technology; and (4) establish a conducive environment for the formation of R & D resources. Goals to be achieved is utilizing science and technology in accordance with religious values and noble culture of the nation to solve various problems of development. The main activities undertaken are (1) fostering creativity research program development, (2) develop research and seed development, (3) take advantage of R & D results in improving the quality of public service, (4) develop networks of research cooperation, including with international research institutions to develop competitive products, (5) develop and strengthen pre-eminent centers at various universities and research institutions, (6) develop social studies culture as an input to government policy; (7) protect intellectual property rights and product R & D in decentralization for more income can be used by individuals and institutions inventor; (8) foster scientific professional organization to conduct certification and professional accreditation in accordance with international standards; (9) empowers scientific institutions and the public in scientific innovation awards, and (10) to develop science and technology institutions in the region, both in terms of programs and institutions, in accordance with the needs and potential of local resources.
g. Self Improvement Program and Science and Technology Excellence This program aims to enhance the service capabilities of technology R & D institutions, Metrology, Standardization, Testing and Quality (MSTQ), who emphasized to support the competitiveness of the business community and encourage the implementation of R & D in and by the business. asaran to be achieved is the increasing independence of technology services and benefits of technological innovation for our nation to improve the competitiveness of business and society. The main activities undertaken are (1) develop a research agenda for science and technology R & D institutions with users, (2) organize the system of institutional, legal, fiscal, and financial support to facilitate the distribution of benefits of science and technology, for business, (3) prepare legislation to provide flexibility in managing R & D institutions receiving research funding and technology services; (4) develop a climate of research and evaluation of performance through an open selection mechanism, (5) develop MSTQ system through enhanced quality standards of scientific and technological output, (6) develop technical assistance to small and medium enterprises, cooperatives, and traditional self-employment, and (7) expand research partnerships, including simplifying the process of partnership, to enhance the effectiveness of and choose almost in touch with the business world.
4. Education Management In Indonesia Administration and management (bureaucracy) education in Indonesia is no different with the administration and management of other sectors which form the department. Nationally, the education sector issues are handled by an agency berbentukdepartemen, which amended several times and changes last name be named MINISTRY OF NATIONAL EDUCATION. The department is headed by a minister who is appointed directly by the president. To this day, its organizational structure is as follows: Ministry of National Education, Indonesia
At regional (provincial), coordination of educational affairs are handled by an entity that is named PROVINCE DEPARTMENT OF EDUCATION, led by a chief. Head of Provincial Departments of Education appointed by the governor with the approval of provincial council seats. While at the local level District, coordinating educational affairs are handled by an institution that is named DEPARTMENT OF EDUCATION DISTRICTS. Same with Office in the province, the Office is headed by a chief. The difference is, heads of agencies at the district level are appointed by the Regent / Mayor with the approval of Parliament District / Municipality concerned. In line with government's decentralization policy, the education sector is also experiencing a change from centralized to decentralized policy. As we know that the purpose of issuance of the Law on Regional Government and the regional autonomy is to give broad authority, real, and responsible to the Region and the communities that provide opportunities to regions and communities to freely organize and carry out its authority initiated by sendin in accordance with the interests of local communities and potential each region. Implementation of education requires adequate public support. Sebagat alternative steps in seeking public support for this education sector is to grow high quality alignments, starting from the head of state, to the lowest officials. including people who engaged in the private sector and industry. Concrete alignments that need to be channeled into a movement politically together (collective action) is put in the Board of Education based on district and school committees at the education unit. Board of Education and School Committee is a body which is independent, has no hierarchical relationship with education units and other government agencies. Outstanding Board of Education, the School Committee, education units, and other government agencies refer to the respective authority under the provisions of the applicable purpose of the Board of Education and School Committee are as follows:
a. Embody and convey the aspirations and community initiatives in education policies and programs dikabupaten / cities (For Pendidakan Council) and in the education unit (For Kornite School).
b.Improving responsibility and active participation from all walks of life in the administration of education.
c. Creating an atmosphere and conditions of transparent, accountable and democratic dalarn organizing and quality education services at the district / city and education units. Role of the Board of Education is run as a giver of consideration in the determination and implementation of education policy. The agency also acts as both a tangible financial support, thoughts and energy in organizing education. In addition, the Board of Education also acts as a controller in the context of transparency and accountability in the implementation and outcomes of education, as well as a mediator between the government (executive) and the Regional Representatives Council (Legislative) with the community. On the other hand run the School Committee's role is as a giver of consideration in the determination and implementation of education policies in the education unit. The agency also acts as both a tangible financial support, thoughts and energy in the administration of education in the unit education. In addition, the School Committee also acts as a controller in the context of transparency and accountability in the implementation and outcomes of education, the educational unit, as well as a mediator between the government (executive) with the community education unit. To perform its role, the Board of Education and School Kornite has a function to encourage the growth of attention and commitment to the implementation of quality education. The agency is also working with the community, both individuals and organizations, business and industry, government, and parliament is pleased with the implementation of quality education. Another function is to collect and analyze the aspirations, views, claims, and various educational needs raised by the community. In addition, the functions of the Board of Education and the School Committee is to provide input, consideration and recommendation to the Governments of the region / DPPD and the education units regarding policies and educational programs; regional performance criteria in field education; criteria tanaga education, especially teacher / tutor and the head unit education; criteria for educational facilities, and other matters related to pendidikan.Terakhir functions of the Board of Education and the School Committee is to encourage parents and masyarakatberpartisipasi in community education and raise funds in order to finance the education in the educational unit. Members of the Board Pendidikanterdin upper part of the community and can be added with the element of bureaucratic / legislative. The element of society can come from non-governmental organizations (NGOs) in education; community leaders (Ulama, cultural, traditional leaders, etc.); members of the public who have attention on improving the quality of education or who become figures in the region: the leaders and education experts who have attention on improving the quality of education; foundation education providers (schools, outside of schools, boarding schools); the business / industry / professional associations (industrial employers, services, associations, and others); professional organization of education personnel (PGRI, ISPI, and etc.), and representatives from the School Committee agreed. Bureaucracy. example of the service element and local education and legislative elements in charge of education, can diiibatkan as a member of the Board of Education up to 4-5. The number of members of the Board of Education at the most were 17 (seventeen) people and the numbers must be odd the requirements, rights and obligations, and membership of the Board of Education service period specified in the bylaws. Phak On the other School Committee members come from the elements that exist in society. Besides, the element of teachers' councils, foundations / institutions of education providers, the Village Board Consideration may also be involved as a member. School Committee members from the community may come from representatives of parents / guardians of students based on grade level which is democratically elected, community leaders (the RT / RW / RK. Head of the hamlet, scholars, cultural, traditional leaders), members of the community attention would have made a figure and, having attention to improving the quality of education; local government officials (Head Village, Police, Koramil, Department of Labour, Chamber of Commerce, and other institutions); the business / industry (employers' industry, services, associations, and other etc.); education experts who have the attention on improving the quality of education, professional organization of education personnel (PGRI, ISPI, and others); representative for junior secondary students / SMU / SMK's democratically elected government based on grade level, and representatives of the alumni forum Elementary / junior high school / vocational school which has grown den independent. School Committee members who represent the board of teachers, foundations of education institutions, sebanyakbanyaknya Village Advisory Board of three persons. Number of School Committee members at least 9 (nine) and the number should be odd. The terms, rights and obligations, and School Committee membership period specified in the bylaws. Governing Board of Education and School Kornite set according to the bylaws which at least comprises the base of a chairman, secretary, treasurer. If considered necessary, management can be equipped with specific areas as needed. Moreover, it can also appointed a special officer in charge of administration. Governing board elected from and by members of a democratic manner. Special Board of Education chairman positions does not come from elements of regional government and parliament and chairman of the School Committee did not come from the head of education unit. The terms, rights and obligations, and term of office management of the Board of Education and School Committee specified in the bylaws Establishment of the Board of Education School Committee must den conducted in a transparent, accountable and democratic. Be transparent is that Kornite Schools should be established in an open and widely known by the public beginning from the preparatory committee formation, the process of socialization by the preparatory committee, criteria for prospective members, candidate members of the selection process, the announcement of candidates, the election process, and delivery of election results done in an accountable is that the preparatory committee hendaknva submit accountability reports and the use of fund performance committees. Conducted in a democratic election process is that the board dlan annggota done with consensus agreement. If deemed necessary occasion of members and can be done by voting. Establishment of the Board of Education and School Kornite preparation begins with the formation of the committee that was formed, by the head of education unit and / or by the public. Preparatory committee amounted to at least 5 (five) members composed of education professionals (like teachers, principals, education units, education providers, education observers (NGOs concerned about education, community leaders, religious leaders, business and industry), and parents learners.
5. Financing Education in Indonesia
When compared with the U.S., sources of funding education in Indonesia comes from several sources budget. That comes from the state budget, provincial budget, and budgets District. Sources of funding from general state budget is allocated to all educational activities, ranging from basic, intermediate, to university. The source of this budget is also reserved for the implementation of national education. While the source of funding coming from provincial budget, most commonly reserved for primary and secondary level education. Only a small portion allocated to support activities at higher education level. Source of funds from the provincial budget is allocated to existing education penuyelenggaraan region of the province. The source of funding from Budget District entirely to support the education in the region. This is consistent with the spirit of decentralization. Since implementation of education decentralization policy, budget allocation for education, both in the State Budget and Budgets Province and Regency / Municipality, has increased significantly. This is because according to the mandate of the Act, the education budget should be continued effort to reach at least the number increased up to 20% of the total state budget expenditure budgetor the budget.
Surabaya, October 2005
Ulul Albab, Drs., MS
Postingan (Atom)